Patience... A much Needed Virtue in 2011 And Beyond

It was just a normal evening and it started off just fine till someone wrote something about me that I considered a slight on my path on the WWW!!! Immediately, I got on the phone to chat with the certain so and so and he kept insisting that he didn't mean it the way I interpreted it to be...he went ahead to tell me in clear terms that I shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill. He did the wiser thing by not replying when I talked to him and I was left fuming...I mean...the cheek of him right? //Chinese sign for patience// I went back to the WWW and read the said "infuriating and annoying statement" again and I thought to's not that wasn't an insult and if I read it sloooowwwwllllyyyy it was actually meant to be a compliment...ish! I blame my reaction to the naija movie I just watched .... "Omo Ghetto"...go figure! I think sometimes, I take on the character of the main actress in a movie for at least some minutes af...