Unplanned Post
Don't know why I can't put my thoughts to paper regularly this days... There's so much to talk about yet I find it difficult to log on and just put a post up. I learnt that at the end of the day, opinions will always differ...we are not meant to be uniformed, we're meant to be united... I haven't really been faithful with regards to my resolutions for the year...*sighs*...nevertheless, I'm trudging on...I'm a soldier! Now that I finally sign in to put a post up,my brain is freezing on me...I'll sort that out. Anyways I know you're all doing well...have a brilliant week and stay focused! Oh that reminds me, I heard about the banking industry brouhaha and seriously...its been a long time coming...I can't explain how I feel about the whole thing but I know this is another case of "obedience being better than sacrifice"! Imagine all the embarrassment they could have avoided...anyways I'll leave that for now... BRB