Unplanned Post

Don't know why I can't put my thoughts to paper regularly this days...
There's so much to talk about yet I find it difficult to log on and just put a post up.

I learnt that at the end of the day, opinions will always differ...we are not meant to be uniformed, we're meant to be united...

I haven't really been faithful with regards to my resolutions for the year...*sighs*...nevertheless, I'm trudging on...I'm a soldier!

Now that I finally sign in to put a post up,my brain is freezing on me...I'll sort that out.
Anyways I know you're all doing well...have a brilliant week and stay focused!

Oh that reminds me, I heard about the banking industry brouhaha and seriously...its been a long time coming...I can't explain how I feel about the whole thing but I know this is another case of "obedience being better than sacrifice"!
Imagine all the embarrassment they could have avoided...anyways I'll leave that for now...



Good Naija Girl said…
I think this is the first step in stopping "blogger's block": just write what's on your mind, or try to anyway.

Gosh, I don't even want to look back on my resolutions for this year...I should though. Thanks for the reminder!
Anonymous said…
I think it was Favoured Girl who said a blank page was a blank page.... At least words can be edited... Keep trying... I need to take a look at my own list of goals for '09 to see how well I did..
Buttercup said…
I feel you, sweetie. Take your time! I don't make resolutions.. I'd feel like a failure if I don't keep to them..
BSNC said…
i can't even remember some of my resolutions..lol. yea that bad

have a nice day..
aloted said…
woman yi how far?? ma worry we will be here
Olufunke said…
You wrote something...we are commenting, that is what is important.

Resolutions....I know how I would feel when I take another look at mine for the year 2009

How are you doing?
Enkay said…
It has been a while madam. At least you stopped by!

Me I have just been reading people's posts and commenting but I just can't find the 'inspiration' to put up a post of my own.

Keep trudging soldier! That's the spirit!
Enkay said…
It has been a while madam. At least you stopped by!

Me I have just been reading people's posts and commenting but I just can't find the 'inspiration' to put up a post of my own.

Keep trudging soldier! That's the spirit!
Anonymous said…
I heard the latest banking crisis in Nigeria is a financial jihad of some sort. The government has taken banks and assets from Christians and put muslims in charge of them. Then soon they would ask foreign muslim companies to come and buy them for cheap, so that they will have a majority share of the banking system in Nigeria. God help us!
Jide Salu said…
Unplanned? and you are still generating comments? What more can you ask for? Have a fab day always.
tobenna said…
So totally unplanned and uncordinated BUT made a nice read.
Hope you are well?
Jide Salu said…
Hello there. What can I say?

It does happen. My tip? Do not force it. The mood will surely come back.In the mean time, enjoy reading and that thing will just give you a gentle nudge to respond or write an opinion and then you will be on a roll...

taKia and God bless
babe, how are you? Still suffering from the bloggeritis?

No problem. Just come back and let us all know you are well. Keep writing, okay?

Take care!

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