A Girl Has Gotta Do What A Girl Has Gotta Do...
I always say we learn everyday...and I mean that literarilly and practically...by so doing, we grow...growth can either be vertically,horizontally or both...but I don't know where to place this...you figure out yourself. I discovered something about myself...I realised that I tend to get affirmation from people I love,trust and respect before making a decision (usually major) and this in itself is not a bad thing afterall the good book says "In the multitude of counsel, there is safety" . But it becomes a problem when it takes precedence over affirmation from God!(I can explain) For instance if I'm about to make a decision,I tend to call up and talk to people I trust and respect who will give me good advice on how to go about it and I also get their opinion on whether it is a good or bad decision and based on this...I make my decision...it makes sense BUT and a big one at that...It should be in a totally different order...ask God...Let Him through the HS lead you to w...