Out Alone!
There’s a comedy night coming up tomorrow and I intend to attend with or without my friends…well here is the deal…my friends often mess up! As in majorly mess up my plans, we all planned to go for Asa concert the last time she was in London and everybody was excited about it… Now fast-forward to the big day and I call them up to know where to meet up and the story changed… “awww sowwweee I forgot” said one of them, another one was like “ it is weekday,bla bla bla”…one told me she was leaving the office pretty late…I called her till the concert started and at a point, she did not pick up my calls again…I mean WTF!!! The worst part of it all is that I bought the tickets ages ago, five freaking Asa tickets…I had to sell them off at the venue thanks to a cool pal of mine. So I’ve been bitten once therefore I need to be shy twice. Well when I found out about the comedy thingy, I asked if they were attending and it was the same yes yes yes…lol…oh well this time around y’all getting your tick...