January Giveaway On www.3six5woman.com

Follow me @Nolimit2life I t's been 28 ( TWENTY EIGHT ) days since 3six5Woman.com started and I must confess, it's been groovy, several women have signed up to share their stories and the feed back has been phenomenal! The idea was to get women to share about a day in their lives to Encourage, Inspire and Motivate other women but as the day goes by, it has metamorphosed and it keeps changing as various women share stories from their lives that transcends 24 hours! I am thankful that I followed through on this particular project although it is too early to be counting my chickens... well I'm not... I'm just saying thank you to all the women who came out in leaps and bounds to support. If you've ever tweeted about, retweeted, commented, liked or shared the www.3six5woman.com link, then this one's for you and if you've never... oi!!! what are you waiting for? click away mate!:) While dreaming up the website, the idea to give gifts to people on the reg...