
The Woman Who Insulted Her Mother Inlaw (#SpeechlessMode)

Follow me @Nolimit2life Make una 'ep me judge matter o! Just saw this post on Linda Ikeji's blog and it left me speechless. What type of man leaves his wife and mother to insult each other to the point where his own mother is cursing his wife! I'm not sure the man in question understands the gravity of the pronouncements being made by his mum otherwise, he would have stepped in to end the argument. Dear Husband "The two has become one" whether you like it or not, a curse on your wife is a curse on you so get ready. But it looks like he was doing it for the'gram (as they say nowadays!). Woman even if your mother in-law is a troublemaker receive sense and be diplomatic. Don't get me wrong, I know some mother in-laws are agents of the devil but it was still a cringe-worthy video. How people develop the impetus to speak disrespectfully like this nowadays beats me. Right in front of your own daughter. You've left an indelible mark on that child. Th...

This Space Of Mine

Follow me @Nolimit2life #MySpace I know how shocked people are when they see updates or get notifications that I posted on this blog of mine!!! It is my space and I'm simply not letting go :) It could be so much more but I keep feeling I'm losing my anonymity by the second... thus... I tread carefully!  I will still vent and rant but it will be with wisdom. There's so much to talk about and dissect yet I find myself writing in my head but never putting my thoughts on paper!!! I wonder why :) It's a new month.

Asking for Help

Follow me @Nolimit2life What is It about asking for help that gets us all jittery??? This Q is what I'm pondering on as I go home. Why do we find it difficult to ask for help from others talk more of accepting the said help. Is it cultural or is it just human nature? Growing up, I know mother dearest always said not to accept anything from strangers and that just became the mantra. But that's even out of point(come to think of it)lol  I'm talking about needing help, seeing someone(people) that can help and keeping quiet because you don't want them to think you can't cope without them or whatever excuse we conjure up from the recess of our vivid imaginations. Or the simple example I'm about to give; A while back in winter, I was rushing for the train, I had about seven minutes to get to the train before the train moved so I decided to get a cup of latte to warm my insides(the cold was real). On getting to my train with two bags in tow, I was finding it ...

Trust The Process

Follow me @Nolimit2life Nothing happens by mistake. Not even your misjudgments and errors. Life has a way of sorting itself out so trust your process and keep it moving.

Passing Off Harrasment As Discipline!!! #NaijaFactor

Follow me @Nolimit2life At some point this madness has got to stop. This harassment cloaked in discipline! I'm back again to vent. Maybe I should change the name of this blog of mine to "NoLimit's Vent Corner" lol. Great idea I just may do that. Anyways I read about the FRSC(Federal Road Safety Corp) Commander who decided to take it upon himself to check the nails and hair of the staff and then proceeded to cut the hair of the female staff whose hair style wasn't at par with the FRSC standard.( Even typing this crap stinks to me.) It brought back memories of how a teacher tried to do same to me in one of the military schools many moons ago. On that faithful day I had come to school with my hair short, all blown out and well styled. I was truly feeling myself...didn't realise this female teacher wasn't particularly pleased with it. She then called me to the staff room, requested for a scissors and then proceeded to cut my hair or should I say try. ...

Crossover Yawa

Follow me @Nolimit2life 2016 was a good year. Dasall. And I had to suck it in and wear my big girl pants and face my numerous fears... turns out they were all mirages! Funny how life works sometimes...okay maybe not funny lol. Straight to my gist. My friend's boyfriend who in my opinion is a mistake not because he's a bad person but because he projects his worst fears on her and is limiting in nature... from what I understand about this thing called marriage, whatever you see right now will be magnified by 100 in marriage. The married folks can confirm that if they choose to. Anyways, she tells me on new year day that her boyfriend is really upset with me, he felt disrespected because of what I said or how I said it, he has vowed not to ever talk to me again etc. My face went blank... I was like shuo🙄🙄🙄, on top wetin exactly? what did I say that was bigger than mouth? Then I faced my friend and asked her directly if she thought I was actually disrespectful to him, she...

Get Out Of That Funk; Destroy The Source

Follow me @Nolimit2life The other day I seasoned chicken and forgot to put it in the fridge... it is summer here so it doesn't take too long for perishable food to turn bad. Luckily I discovered on time and I quickly boiled and grilled it. But I noticed there were flies all over the place and I just couldn't fathom why or what caused it seeing that I've already cooked the chicken. I suddenly looked in the corner of the table top and found the bowl I used to season the chicken...that was the culprit. Still don't know how I missed it but right after washing this off, the flies probably got bored and left (party is over flies!) Then it occurred to me that this is how life plays out, we fire-fight sometimes trying to solve little problems or even big problems that keeps popping up like boils in unwanted regions. If we deal with the root cause of this issue(s)... the source of this problem(s)... then just maybe we will be able to win the war and not just a battle. ...