Guess what I did yesterday?
Hey's Friday and I'm on a natural high...(Mondays and Fridays are usually my best days!!! hee hee hee)... Well guess what I did last chance...okay I'll tell y' home yesterday from work feeling very high(and I don't do drugs o! but I've just been "joyful"!) Read Vera's blog...that was by the way 90% sane(sorry Vera had to chip that one in!) and although I was miles and miles away across the ocean from America,I was in the festive mood(fueled by her post by the way!!!) so I decided to call madam Vera ...well I quickly dialed the number before I could change my mind and the phone rang on and on...which reminds me...were you contemplating "not" picking up? anyhues...she eventually picked up and we got talking and blogville I 'mma have to tell y'all Vera's voice doesn't sound anything like in she's got an accent(sue me!!!hee hee be expected shey?) an...