Guess what I did yesterday?

Hey's Friday and I'm on a natural high...(Mondays and Fridays are usually my best days!!! hee hee hee)...

Well guess what I did last chance...okay I'll tell y' home yesterday from work feeling very high(and I don't do drugs o! but I've just been "joyful"!)

Read Vera's blog...that was by the way 90% sane(sorry Vera had to chip that one in!) and although I was miles and miles away across the ocean from America,I was in the festive mood(fueled by her post by the way!!!) so I decided to call madam Vera ...well I quickly dialed the number before I could change my mind and the phone rang on and on...which reminds me...were you contemplating "not" picking up?

anyhues...she eventually picked up and we got talking and blogville I 'mma have to tell y'all Vera's voice doesn't sound anything like in she's got an accent(sue me!!!hee hee be expected shey?) and she sounded really nice,friendly and funny...but not crazy!!!

And Vera it was nice talking to you...

Yeah I know this is as random as they come...have a wonderful weekend y'all


Anonymous said…
This entry passed on a bit of your joyfulness to me! It's impossible to read it and not want to smile.

Now that I know Vera isn't insane, I might give her a call ;)
aloted said…
hmm thanks for testing that line...looks like i will be calling Vera soon ni yen o...:)
Anonymous said…
so people can call VEra now. I so didnt know that. WOW!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Vera doesn't sound crazy, but then few crazy people do (she's going to give me an earful if she sees this).
LOL @ this post. I might be giving Vera a call too. She'll soon be wondering why she's getting several calls from Blogville folks!
Afrobabe said…
you mean she actually sounds sane??? I am dead shocked...yeah I expected an accent and loads of craziness!!!
Toluwa said…
yeah, very random...can i have a bit of ur joy...i need to get on that!
NoLimit said…
@ All lol!!! i hope Vera doesn't skin me alive for this!!!
@GNG I'm glad the post brought a smile to your face!
@aloted...carry her jo!
@Temite...Now you know o!lol
@Azuka...ermm na you talk o... I wonder what will happen to me once she discovers!
@Afro babe...Nooo...very sane and nice on the phone o!lol of 'cos you can have some...and even some more...(*smiles*)...hope you're good

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