
Showing posts from March, 2009

Ask Me A Question And I'll Tell You No Lie? + Thankfulness Post

Hey Peops, Like I said in my last post ,yesterday was my one year blogversary and 50th post... I asked for advice on what to do to celebrate this significant landmark and Buttershizzle and Danny Bagucci (the designer...okay his name sounds like one so he's one!) suggested I do what others have done before i.e blogference where you all get to ask any question you want to ask... Ermm please be nice to me...don't ask me questions that will make my face go purple and make my fingers hover on the keyboard for ever for lack of what to say/type!pls abeg!!! And as usual I'm a thankful child and I'm really thankful for: 1.The grace and ability given to keep this blog for a year plus...after all today makes it 1yr+1day!!!...And I'm going stronger! 2.My wonderful friend E.A who is getting married and starting a new life in a new place in a minute... 3.Progress for my friends O.L and A.E...this girls rock and they are moving on in their lives...they're moving to other gr...

Birthday & 50th(GOLDEN) POST!!!

Hola,cĆ³mo estĆ” usted?...fine I presume??? Today is my blog's birthday and I really want to celebrate it in styleee...any suggestion will be very much appreciated!!! It is also my 50th post in blogville...haaa I've come a long way baby! :-) Starting the blog wasn't an easy task I must say...but it sure has been worth my while...I have been blessed by all your posts and comments especially when I was down...which is few and far between...even if I say so myself...yeah you got it...I'm a die hard optimist and it takes a whole lot to weigh me this morning when I almost cried 'cos I have to go to work...hee hee hee...lazy bones you say!!! Back to my yarnz...I've met wonderful people around here and I am amazed at the intelligence and talent y'all have...Reading through other people's blog atimes is a kind of therapy for me and I am encouraged to know that I am "normal"...ha! Okay I'll explain means you feel what I feel a... Voting Campaign!!!

As the title aptly describes it, my post is about stupid gaffes I've made in my bearriful life! People that know me well...know that I don't get embarrassed easily...after all *who you be*! but what I'm about to relay to you made me want to enter the ground at that point in time...I remember two scenarios vividly! Scenario one ... At a place north of the equator,I just made friends with a handful of people and we were all chatting on and on... Then some nerdy looking guy walks past and I was like..."oh that guy is such a nerd...with his thick glasses and uncombed hair...I think I said something about him looking like someone that spent the weekend in the LAB... Then a very nice girl in my crew said...ohhh that's my brother...need I say that I started stammering and looking for words to cover my obvious blunder!!! Well I got introduced to him and I confessed my sins to him...brilliant chap he was... Scenario 2... I was on the lift with a man and a woman...the man s...

Yay!!! I'm a nominee!!!

Yo b'ville...I got in Moi... N-O L-I-M-I-T got nominated...for...wait for this...friendliest blogger!!! YeeeHawww!!! Yay...*doing the cha cha slide* I'm cranking*woohoo...*now I'm jumping and twisting*...*I'm doing the crank again*...meen at this rate soulja boy ain't got nothing on me men!lol Okay soooo point is...y'all have gotta vote for your gyal...yes I am shamelessly soliciting for your votes...pleeaaazzze vote for me...*eyes closed hands together,head bowed*...ya hear me? vote for me... right here... Okay nuff said! erm did someone ask why they should vote for me?...well...ermmm...okay vote me 'cos I am "votable" whatever that means...the other nominees in my group were nominated in other areas...sooo why can't I just have that one for meself?...okay is that lame?...I'll be back with a stronger manifesto! *Whistling and chanting her village victory song...dancing in owambe styleee*

Words can't express how thankful I am...But I am...

I am multitasking @ the moment!!! Preparing to go to work (arggghhhhhh!!! and putting up a new post!)...Good day my fellow blogville citizens...hope you had a great weekend like I did!!! Went for a Greek party and it was fantastic!!!...At least they've got rhythm... I am really and truly thankful for loads of sturves and I'll put that down in a minute... Here we go... I am thankful for... 1.Direction:Y'all remember CP(Chauvinistic Pig) well the guy was at it again recently...trying to blacken my image...oh no I didn't take him out to lunch(bad move) 'cos I was advised against doing so...(*note to self* next time obey when the HS drops something in your heart). I was actually told not to talk to him and just let him retrospect, I realise that was a foolish advice! Thank God I summoned up the: courage,patience and humility to do so...otherwise work would have been a war zone for me...After have the "brief chat" with him, I found out it was just pe...

Nothing do me!!!

I don dey try write dis thing for pidgin...but e be like say e fit no work o... Na wetin sef...I sabi yarn the thing but to come drop am for paper come dey hard like olumo rock!...mschew... Anyhues BabaGod sef sabi say I dey thankful and im praise go everly dey for my mouth. How una dey?hope say una dey don nearly finish person for here but dem no fit jo! I too much for all their wahala...make dem bring am come...omo girl go withstand am...nothing do me by His grace! I no too get gist...infact I no get gist for una...e get one book wey I read yesterday..."half of a yellow sun"...chei...I been cry o as I read the the second book wey go comot tears for my eyes be that... the first one be "what is wrong with being black" by Matthew Ashimolowo... Na the kain book wey go make you pause...SELAH... Anyways I no wan yarn too much paparrazi for here...I go still do the thankfulness post as usual...but I just say make I hail my peops...make e no be like...

So What Do You Think?

Hey peops, hope your week has been groovy!...I'm loving my new template,what do you think? Been thinking of blogging in pidgin for a while...and I think I may do just that in the next thankfulness post...what do you think? You know how people say naija is corrupt bladdy bladdy bla...I carried out a brief survey and asked some people what they'll do if their uncle,aunt,sister,brother,friend becomes a big shot in government....responses ranged from I'll relocate back to naija to be near the "seat of power" to "I'll go get me some contract" to "I'll make sure I get him/her to sort me out".... Then I remind them of what they said about naija being corrupt in the first place and they are speechless for a while before they start defending their action... Anyways I'm not knocking/judging or condemning anybody o...bottom line is...if you know you won't do better if you had the choice,then kindly "mechionu"* and stop proclaimin...

I'm Still Thankful...

Hey peops, Here I am again with my thankfulness post...and I am glad I am finally able to update since Saturday...been a bit under the weather...just a bit...but I'm back now!!! Here we go: I am thankful for: 1.Journey Mercies: Like I said earlier, I went off to Paris and came back back in one piece!(In my mind I said:"duh were you meant to come back in disjointed pieces)...but y'all know all these planes and the way they crash or crash land!!! hitch whatsoever...I am thankful for that!!! 2.The opportunity to help:I also talked about helping out a random cute dude...there's just something about helping others(not because they are cute o!) that gives you this satisfaction...I can't explain it with words...especially when you're helping out on your own terms...I guess that's how God feels when He helps us on His own terms!!!...I'm my father's daughter after all ~wink~wink~ 3. Provision: Imagine I was d-e-d broke and didn't have a brass farthin...