Internet at browse or not to browse...?

My people how una dey!
It's been a wonderful weekend for me and I hope yours was as great as mine.Monday is just around the corner and meeen ko funny!(it is not funny!).
Which brings me to what I want to ask...If I want to be faithful to my employer, does that mean blogging at work and checking the internet is out of the question?
Is it even okay to send personal mails on one's work email?
Okay the truth is the company policy/employee hand book says it is not argument is: if I dedicate most of my time(9-5) to work, and my work is top notch in every aspect, why can't I use the internet,work mail if I choose to?please don't tell me I have my 1hour lunch 'cos I am not a horse jo! you work a horse till it is dead tired and then you give it just enough time to gain it's strength back just so that you can work it again...oh no...not me!
I'm not having issues with my employer or anything of that nature...but it is something I brood on often.
Even when I have my own company, I don't think not checking the internet at all will be one of my company policies(I'll rather concentrate on result)... that is not to say some people don't abuse this...i.e going to crap sites and allowing the internet to eat deeply into there work time...
Hmmm I know people that get paid heavily to work and all they ever do from morning till night is to die on face book and every other networking site! at the expense of the employee...I'm defintely not talking about that...
How does one draw the line an employee...and then as an employer!


Anonymous said…
lol you're funny! I know my use of the internet at work is excessive so I'm trying to cut down. Even so, I make sure I get my work done and that my employer is getting from me what they pay for.

I don't think it's good idea to send personal emails from your work email, just from the point of keeping work and personal life separate. I would not want any of my personal stuff to be stored on the server of my employer. Sending a personal email from a yahoo, hotmail or gmail account while at work is another matter, and I think it should be permissible as long as you don't go overboard.

As an employee, a good measure is whether you're getting your work done. As an employer, you need to make sure you have timelines for the work you give your employees, and if those timelines not being reached, then you need to see if your employee is spending too much time slacking off.
Anonymous said…
well when I am at is all INTERNET TIME....I love it!!!

well Im addicted, how you dey?
aloted said…
hmm i ask myself this question often as well..cuz i know i overuse the internet at work sometimes but like GNG i try to finish my work or most of it before i start browsing....
me i dunno where the balance is long as u do your
Vera Ezimora said…
I will check the internet (and blog) any time anyday. Nothing do me.
Zayzee said…
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. I believe doing what gives you joy (blogging or doing blog rounds) on a limited level though, helps ur mind focus and you will even achieve more work on such a day, than if u left the internet alone.

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