Out With the Fake...In With the Real

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A friend of mine relocated to Lagos a while back...when I asked her how she was adjusting....she was like "NoLimit people just love the pastic life"...she told me about people(I'm going to generalise and include guys too 'cos it is true!) taking out loans to rent apartments in highbrow areas like Lekki and buy cars they can obviously NOT maintain!!!
She also said said everybody tries to act like an elite and in most cases...people can see through the fake veneer...so I ask again what is the point of going burst to impress people that don't even know you exist?..."Babes" in this post can be anybody...if the shoe fits snuggly,wear it.

Out with the fake plastic life...in with the real happy life!!!
Quit it...just cos your galfriend drives a top of the range car doesn't mean you should get a loan to upgrade yourself to her "level"
Babes renew your mind...believe me when I say it isn't worth the hassle...what exactly is the point?
you want to be recognized as the shiznit...sizzling hot gyal about time...err that is a good ambition...actually it is a great one...but babes at the detriment of your financial health? At the long run, you won't be measured/judged by all that so please take a chill pill...it is deeper than all that...
If you can't be accepted the way you are by your friends...warts and all...I really wonder if you ought to be rolling with them in the first place...
Putting your financial life at risk just because you want to be in the "IT" crowd is in my opinion a foolish thing to do...I'm sorry if I'm striking a chord...c'est la vie, the truth is what it is...

You're not to be blamed entirely babes...I blame the people that make you think you're not worth a dime just because you're not living a "certain" kind of lifestyle...what ever that is...
You need to understand that people....regardless of who they are and what they have are just that...human beings with strength and weaknesses too...they are not God and will never be...and no you shouldn't make them one *I shudder to think of what it'll be like if man was God*...I digress

No you shouldn't make them gods...their word is not bond...guess what? all humans have the same lowest common denominator...we all go to toilet...so why oh why are you making them your standard...letting them dictate what you do and how you act directly or indirectly...babes you don't need that...you need the Most High!!!

Don't be fooled,most of the time,what you see is not what you get...they have their own issues and pains too you know....wake up and sharpen up...
surround yourself with people who love you for you and are not afraid to tell you the truth even when it hurts...the ones who won't judge you for being too rich or vice versa...
I pray you see you the way your maker sees you...you're special...you're top notch quality...yes you are...look in the mirror and tell yourself that...cos it is the truth!!!
get your validation from a Higher being...not mere mortals...
you're unique and rival-less...come on babes...wake up from your slumber and be who you ought to be...a queen:-)


Isabella said…
Are you talking to someone? lol or was to meant for 'babe'? who is the 'babe' sef?

I agree with U and I pray God gives 'babe' strength because with all the peer pressure around it is very easy to compromise and do silly things.
Myne said…
Self motivation always works. All the best babe. Take care.
NoLimit said…
@Miss FlyHigh...Babes is anyone in this "dilemma"...amen to your prayer for babes!!!lol

@Myne Whitman...I agree self motivation works but sometimes,there are deeper issues to be dealt with like low self esteem and poor self image...you'll be shocked @ what some people see when they look in the mirror...again I pray they begin to see themselves the way their maker sees them and not turn to mere mortals for validation.
Olufunke said…
You are right o jare!
It's good to know and be sure of one's worth!
How are you doing?
Nee Fe Mi said…
You speak only the truth
Enkay said…
Everyone should strive to outdo their own past and not to be in constant competition with others.

It takes a high sense of someone's own worth to achieve this.
Good Naija Girl said…
I have one friend who has asked me repeatedly why I don't have a car but when I see how much debt she went to to get this flashy big-name car, I just told her that we all decide how to spend our money. Right now, taking the bus and using my parents' car when I need a moto suits me (and my parents I guess since they haven't complained, lol) well, so I will continue to live according to my own means and not bother myself with what so and so has or does.

This is always a good reminder, so thank you for it! xo

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