Thankfulness 002

...This is all I'm saying @ the moment:

Today marks the beginning of the last month of the first quarter in year 2010...*sighs* how time flies...
February was an awesome month and I'm just so thankful for so many things amongst which are...

1. God's words not going back void to Him in my life ...The God who will not hesitate to fight for my sake and save me(He's a fair and just God and He just loves me like that...I don't even know the depth) may want to dwell under His wings to partake of this awesome deed cos in all honesty, it came to pass in my life in the month of February...He showed up and came through for me...

2.For life lessons learnt first hand which I'll be blogging about later...can someone please remind me?;-) thank you!!! of which is...Never ever promise to do what you can't deliver(very lame indeed!!!)

3.Help in my time of need: Please guys just take a minute to go to GNG and Seye's blog and thank them for me for being such a trooper and enduring my hassle ...Was filling an application form and this wonderful people actually helped me review my write up...they didn't only review it,the also made great suggestions which I took on board!!!!
Now understand this,I live in London, and they are in Canada and Nigeria respectively...they didn't have to...but they did(it was a looong thing and only God knows if I would have helped me if I was them!!!you get me?)...You guys rock is all I can say and may help never be far from you!!!

4. Growth: February was another learning curve for me...I learnt more about God and the fact that I need to "up" my game when it comes to believing Him totally...Now, I know that believing with my heart is a matter of choice and He has given me the free will to either choose to believe him totally or not...

5.My friends' babies...born and unborn...It's been baby galore...One of my friends had a baby boy,another one is due to deliver soon(My only prayer is it falls on my birthday!!!:o)) and then I got a call yesterday from a family(more like my mentors) telling me they are expecting a baby after about 6years of having the first one....isn't God just awesome!!!

6.Great support that I'm blessed with...Everyday brings me to the realisation that not everyone is blessed with what I call "great support system"....Case in point is Alexander McQueen who committed suicide after losing his mum...
I agree it is a terrible thing to lose a loved one...but to kill one's self because of that speaks of major deep issues..and it shows that inspite of the bubbly vivacious exterior,deep inside where it matters, some people are very lonely...may I reiterate right here that there's a space in your heart that no man or woman can fill??? Only God can fill the space... It will be a good idea to ask Him to fill it!

You can email me to talk about it if you have further questions!!!

7.The gift of a friend keeps saying...Life is a gift...Celebrate your life...yes please do that,cos you're unique and rival-less...I'm thankful for this and I do not take it for granted.

8.I'm thankful for platforms to air my views and let off steam as and when needed..."TwitFam" and "BlogFam" can bear me witness...I sometimes come on this platforms to rave and rant unreservedly and I must say this has saved OA from having his head bitten off loads of time...this guy takes the cheese cake off the word ARROGANT like he gives it a whole new meaning!!!...But God in His infinite mercies has helped me to grow past responding to his attempts to make me look stupid...
I'm happy to say that thanks to grace, I am like a duck when it comes to his "confidence-reducing talks"...I just shake it off and pop my collar!!!

I could go on but I'll stop my people...what exactly are you thankful for???

OA=Office Angel...some guy I used to call Office Idiot due to his rather irritating and arrogant attitude...but I decided to start calling him what I want him to be :-)


seye said…
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! The glories of seeing my vain name on your site. Okay let me go read the post
Nee Fe Mi said…
Good to have a good support system...God is indeed great, have great month
Isabella said…
stay joyful babe :) and thankful.

still confused as to why Seyes name is here *ahem* i understand GNGs. hehe!

bless u hun
Enkay said…
Thankful with you dearie. What will life be without these 'little' mercies?
Anonymous said…
loads to be thankful for...
Anonymous said…
I am thankful for everything..every single thing
Afronuts said…
I love point number 6!
That's a very powerful insight and very true.
There's that vaccum in the life of everyone that only God can fill, not booze, drugs or any artificial joy enhancer.

Thanks for the exhortation
Good Naija Girl said…
I love how you explained changing OI to OA. Imagine if we did with all the people who are thorns in our side!

And thank you for being thankful for me! It was a pleasure to help you and really what is such a small thing between sisters? I am constantly inspired by you and I am most thankful (to you and to God) for that!
LovePaprika said…
I'm sure the media is the main reason why everyone thinks McQueen committed suicide because of his mother..however there maybe other factors I strongly believe...

have a lovely month
Jinta said…
i especially like 7 - the gift of life

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