When Motivation Dies...What To Do When You're Losing Your Motivation.

Follow me @Nolimit2life

Before I tell you about the quote that inspired this post, I just want to share that I've been around this loss of motivation mountain many times over and I heard this quote and it resonated with me in ways even I myself couldn't imagine.
Now here's the thing, it isn't enough to be talented, it is important to actually develop your skill (whatever that is) and this is done mostly via, practice, training and discipline.
When motivation dies...Let discipline take over...yes that was quote I read and it is so apt I could write a whole book on that(but I won't..yet).
Sometimes it feels like there's no reason to complete that project, that task you've set for yourself but you need to be disciplined enough to complete it.
Discipline is not a switch to put on or off although with time, it may become so.
Discipline builds up as a result of deliberate and consistent actions taken over a course of time.
Don't let anybody fool you, working smart is good but working hard is important. People hardly tell you how hard they worked to achieve their goals, some gloss over it, some make it sound like it's a picnic. It may be and it may not be but you need to be determined in your heart that regardless of how hard or easy it is, you will remain consistent and focused.
And so on days like this when I'm not exactly motivated to do what I really ought to be doing...I let discipline take over and guess what...it works!!!
Doesn't matter if I'm moving via motivation or discipline what matters is I'm moving and the task has been accomplished.



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