This Kain Snow!!!

I dressed up to go to work o! On my way I saw some kids building a snowman, I so longed to join them, I even saw a dog I thought was stuck in the snow!Only for me to perform my "James Bond to the rescue act" and the dog started running away from moi...pshewww it was enjoying the snow too...imagine and there I was going to work all kitted up for the weather...I was jealous of the stupid dog o!
Anyways I decided to take the train and then the overground at the next station,found out on arriving at the next station that "severe delays" were reported on the overground...then I decided to go take the bus...quickly got coffee at star bucks to warm up my insides for the journey...only for me to discover that the bus services has been suspended for the day...I quickly racked my brain to check if I had any deadline...but thankfully I don't...quickly called the office to let them know work ain't happening but I'm "working from home" ...hee hee bet I'm thankful for the snow...hmmm lemme go get that hot chocolate...I am fully online today mail,buzz and holla at me! Thankfully I can sort out my domestic life and do my back log of laundry!!!
And to my peops in the sunshine countries...have fun at work...I will try not to over "chillax"!!!


Jay said…
i actually left the house too..went down the road and common sense yanked me back home...never have i seen such pretty snow in london. Hope it snows tomorrow too, am liking this working at home thing :)
aloted said…
me i am not sorting out any domestic anything. the snow is making me lazy...;)
if not that Baale is at home and needs to eat i will be under this duvet alllllll day...

ablackjamesbond said…
Enjoy softly softly o.
Enkay said…
Hmmm, this na total enjoyment o!

I think I envy u! lol!!
Toluwa said…
the only thing i do not miss abt NY! its pretty at first sight tho!
Olufunke said…
Na wa o...........
Enjoy it while it lasts.......

Lots of envy...........
you are too funny. Just watched the news this morning and it is amazing to see how snow can just shut things down. Even over here it gets rough.

Anyway, enjoy yourself oh!
Rebirth said…
yay for snow!!!!!!!!!! gosh i miss snow........ :( this south aint working out o... anyway u should go build ur own snow man now
Anonymous said…
Have a lovely snowday, NoLimit, and take it very very easy!
Writefreak said…
Enjoy it while it lasts o...sleep plenty, and do whatever is fun for you!
Anonymous said…
enjoy jare. its 70 and sunny here and I hope you are JEALOUS.
Jaguda said…
enjoy ur 'working day off'. na wao. small snow and oyinbo cannot cope. everyone is off.will u be surfing too?
NoLimit said… at common sense yanking me off...just like you, I was hoping it'll snow today:-) the snow sure made me lazy...ended up sleeping and doing only 10% or less of the chores I wanted to least I rested...*consolation*
@BJB...Thank you bro...I sure enjoyed "softly" lol for do my sistah, na God say make I enjoy by force o...who am I to say!!!
@Just Toluwa...I'm not a fan of cold weather myself...but yesterday's one was much needed!!!
@ Olufunke...Haba!na God now!lol :-)
@Madam Solo...Honestly it sure is amazing...I guess the employers are the losers...
@Funms...Men...I left the kids to battle with the creation of "snow man" while I drifted to la-la land to build my own "snow man"...*wink*wink*
@GNG...Gal I took your advice "very seriously" and slept all day hee hee hee!!!
@WriteFreak...I sure slept plenty! mean 70 degrees?men that is 1st degree sunburn o!!! mean surfing the internet? or surfing in shark infested ocean? lol!!!

To all...I sure had fun sleeping and generally loafing around...I ended up doing only 10% of the house chores I planned to least I rested right?

Thank you all for your comments
Anonymous said…
Not sure I envy you all in the cold weather, however, it was crazy hot in Los Angeles yesterday. I wish I walked around with a built in AC :)
Buttercup said…
lol @ the dog running away from u!

lucky u!!!!
just checking in on you. have you gone back to work yet? =)
Geebee said…
Just left aloted’s blog and the snow talk makes me wish we had some snow in Naija. Imagine the free time to do a lotta stuff you wouldn’t have normally done. Abeg, we need snow here too o. I want to ‘work from home’ too. Thank God for his wonderful works though and thank God again that it’s snow and not ‘Hurricane Whatever’that’s keeping people at home.
Unknown said…
snow days can be fun
and annoying sometimes o.
esp. when u got something really important to take care of
The Activist said…
Aloted stayed at home cuz the snow wont let her go to work.

Sorry o. It must have being over by now
Afrobabe said…
lmao...I didnt even bother getting out of bed....

Too bad it was just one day...kai, wish it would happen again..

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