Imperfect Me!!!

Sitting here on the train, on my way to a job where I’m accepted warts and all… receiving mails and BB messages from peops that will move heaven and earth if the could to make me comfortable.
Thinking of yesterday when I was hanging out with friends who truly care and have a passion for God and life that is catching…
…Waking up to say good morning to my “unwanted guest” (another story for another post!)…and actually chatting about life and what it is to live and not just exist made me realise how blessed I am!!!
Yet…Sometimes, I focus on what’s not working in my life…when I should be thankful for all that is working…
I pause and breathe in deeply…I realise how ungrateful I’ve been and from the depth of my heart, I am saying THANK YOU!
Enjoy this...


P.E.T. Projects said…
Arent we all ungrateful sometimes, going thru life, planning years ahead like we are responsible for the air we breath.

We should all fall to our knees and say thank you LORD!
Jennifer A. said…
Sometimes we have to stop in the midst of the shuffle & bustle of life to remember what it means to be blessed.
Unknown said…
I feel you! You know just yesterday, I was sharing on facebook on my weekly devotional - Winning Word for the Week from Mark 6:41 about how Jesus took that which was not enough to feed the 5000 and lifted it up to give thanks... I feel its call for us to start doing the same. Focus less on the things that do not work but giving thanks for those things even...

Hang in there Sis... Keep giving thanks :)

bArOquE said…
You're doing fine, Almighty God knows your heart...ciao
LusciousRon said…
Be thankful for your blessings. Always. You will be fine by God's grace.
Anonymous said…
hehehe - i want to hear about this unwanted guest

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