Dear Lord...

Lord in you I have found refuge and solace even in times of need.
I am amazed at how a big God like you can care about an infinitesimal minuscule like me but You do because Your word says so and You honour Your word higher…way higher than Your name!
I was created in Your image and You inscribed my name on Your palm. Now that is amazing Lord especially when I know the earth is Your foot stool…I can’t begin to imagine what Your palms are like…
You loved (still do) so much that You sent Your only begotten son to die for my sins…now that’s major!
You love me so much that You care about every tiny detail that involves me…as a matter of fact, a strand of hair can’t leave my body without You knowing about it…Lord I’m amazed…
So I know that nothing ever happens to me by mistake; it is all working together for good.
Though I can’t physically see You, I see You around me…I see Your goodness and I see the reality of Your love all around me…only a fool will say there’s no God…or how else can one explain the supernatural miracles You wrought?
Thank You so much Lord for who You are to me...I also want to thank You for being faithful(You do not change but then…You change things and situations!)…even when I am faithless…Lord You remain faithful…Selah


rethots said…
He is simply an awesome God. No wonder He is The Unquestionable One (Kabiyesi)

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