Proverbs 31 Man AKA Mr P31

This is a peak into the proverbs 31 woman's life from a man's point of view.He said and I paraphrase "Everyone talks about the Proverbs 31 woman and her virtues but no one thinks about the pressure the husband must be facing."
My view on the proverbs 31 woman will be coming up shortly as well...Happy reading
This was written by Jibola who happens to be blogless at the moment.
I express my sincerest apologies for the delay in the delivery of my two cents on who I'd like to call Mrs. Proverbs 31 (Mrs P31).

Now let's take a peak into her life and kind of bring her to 2010.

Madam P31 is a mini Zizi Cardow, she's probably up at say 4 or 5am. She invests in real estate. She is a very proactive woman, hence why her lamps never go out in the night and she isn't scared of winter. And her husband is famous with the 'elders' because of her. Of course let's not forget that she does her husband "good and not evil all the days of her life".

Not that we have that covered. Let's try and imagine Mr. Proverbs 31. What do you do when you've a wife who's got it covered as far as clothes and food are concerned? Sit back and bask in the ambince of her presence? I don't think so. Knowing her worth I strongly doubt that Mrs. P31 would settle for a man any less hardworking a man than she is.

Rather than just be a blessing and a praise, she would be a constant challenge to her man. I don't mean to make it out as some sort of competition but its in every (right thinking man) to want to be the head and be ahead so to speak (Eph 5:23). Which for all intents and purposes makes her a tough act to follow (for women), or be ahead of (for men). In the end, I feel any man in our age would be glad to have a woman HALF as resourceful as Mrs. P31. Even at that, it would be up to her husband to bring his A-game at all times. In the end the caveat should be placed on that tome of burden - It is less of action and more of heart of fear for God.

Prov 31
27.She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness.

28 Her children stand and bless her.
Her husband praises her:
29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
but you surpass them all!”

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
31 Reward her for all she has done.
Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.


Fabulo-la said…
You see, my only question with this P31 woman is, she didnt just wake up and was all of these things at once did she?

I mean at some point, she was one, maybe two of these things..right?

..ok im confusing myself, but do you get what I mean?
NoLimit said…
I get you babes!
Bottom line is we are all work in progress and we should aspire to be this's only a matter of time!:)
olusimeon said…
yes. with the commitment, she'll get there ..true that we are all supposed to improve
Jennifer A. said…
I liked what Jibola said about how it's not a competition, but it's so obvious that Mrs P31 wouldn't settle for any Mr. P31 that is less hardworking than she is. I agree.

Thanks Jibola :)
Lawwyy said…
a good wife who can find?
Anonymous said…
I llke that you put her husband into perspective here.

She's definitely not married to a sluggard. I also coin from the fact that it's not a competition.

Great job

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