Nigeria @ 50 - Let's Get This Straight!!!

Nigeria @ 50 Day 20 - Myne Whitman

There's always something to give thanks for no matter how little plus the Good book says to give thanks IN all things...With this in my head, I celebrated Nigeria's 50th independence anniversary.
It is true that our leaders have failed us to no end and let's be honest many of them are long gone in their evil ways that to turn around and do good will only be the death of them...
What I found out though is that we all have made Nigeria what it is today...either by acting or just keeping mum(remember the siddon dey look action?)...All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to fold their arms and do nothing.

And like a friend once said,casting all puritanic and holier than thou attitude off,we have all benefited from Nigeria's corruption to a certain degree albeit your heart and soul and you will realise this is true.

So what is the way forward.First can I just say that if you don't have nothing good to mouth off about Nigeria,then keep quiet?...Thank you!!!

We need to be as gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent...the wicked ones are not going to sit down and watch us usurp their powers without going down with a fight(going down because that's the only direction they're going) and to be honest,we need to stay alive to witness the revolution that is imminent in I would say,that wisdom is Key.

Then Register to vote and preach the gospel of registration encourage people around you to vote,educate your househelp,your drivers,your customers in the market, generally everybody that may not be opportune to read this should be adviced and encouraged to register to vote...let's go grassroot! These are the targets for this nasty people ...let them know that we mean business...

Select who you want to vote for wisely...please let's not be like Esau who lost his birthright for a isn't about now,it is about the long run...let's be forward thinking...think about the future...You matter,you opinion counts, you're VIP...what you decide will either make or mare this nation so please Select with wisdom...

Vote...let's turn out enmass to that we won't have names like "cutlass scorpion", "Table Chair" in the ballot box...yes this guys are ruthless and will go to any length...

Protect...even after voting,don't just go away and do your own thing, be there...lend a hand...protect your vote...let it count...let it be your voice...let it speak for you...ensure your voice is not killed off by tyrants,gluttons who are only after their greedy,fat,absolutely uncontrollable appetite...
I know that corruption is sipping down to this generation...but please let's be patient and as someone said,let's follow due process and I know that in good time,we will get there.
Let's grow within cos we can't grow within without the outside catching up.
Happy Anniversary Naija and Renew your Mind. Please check out the enough is enough site and make 2011 election the beginning of a new dawn in Nigeria...God bless us all...

Nigeria @ 50 Day 22 - Doll Chic


Anonymous said…
Governance can only be changed by being a part of it.

However, and much more importantly, our being a part of this change (by wanting it) is not for ourselves.

'Tis for the morrow's generation.
rethots said…
"...a part of this change (by wanting it) is not just for ourselves.
'Tis also for the morrow's generation.
Mamuje said…
I have made a conscious decision that i am gonna be part of this change. Oh yes! I'd be voting.
you know, i was amazed at the intensity and vigour with which uti supporters mobilized themselves and others to vote in mass for Uti.
If only we could channel that energy to come out as youths and young adult to vote for our candidate of choice next year...
Myne said…
Yes o, I really believe that if more people vote wisely and protect their vote, it will give less room to riggers. I second what Doll said, there has to be a way to mobilize the youths. Kudos to the EIE campaign.
Spesh said…
very powerful post...
you have said it all,we must select,vote and protect!!
Joseph Ekwu said…
Nigeria is a blessed country and we know it, the evil ones just want to ruin our joy, but the time to say no is now, we need to speak up.

Our tomorrow is today...

Nice post blogger
lamikayty said…
very Proactive article. You have told us in practical steps what we need to do!
Nonye said…
Straight to the point talk...Go and Vote!! nice one mehn!
Unknown said…
"...if you don't have nothing good to mouth off about Nigeria,then keep quiet?...Thank you!!!"


I love Nigeria and i am sure as heck voting come what may!
Black Man Comes said…
As a server currently serving in Lagos, I registered to volunteer for the upcoming elections. It saddens me though to have personally met corpers who registered in hopes that someone might offer them some cash in exchange for their "co-operation." I told one I hope they catch you and burn you alive. But I will diligently select whom to vote for as you advised.
tobenna said…
Sounds like you are on a war path!
Me like.
Zayzee said…
good one. the change begins with all of us because we are the government.
The Activist said…
This is called hiting the nail on the head!

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