How dare you touch her with your filthy hands and turn her to a punching bag that you vent your frustration on! For crying out loud be a frigging man and get over your stupid self!
Those were the words running through my mind when I left my friend’s place…I was like:
God do you mean she’s now a statistic too?
This girl sacrificed so freaking much for this buffoon, she loved with all her heart, she gave with all her might…I know ‘cos I was there from the get go…but he still proved to be a beast…
As far as I’m concerned, you’re a weakling, regardless of what she did to you (non by the way), you had/have no right …non what so ever to raise your hands against her…
Now what makes me furious is the fact that she is pregnant with their second baby and she’s a sickler but this didn’t deter the beast from abusing his own lawfully wedded wife.
Got a call from a friend asking when last I heard from this lady…I was quite vague about it and than was when he dropped the bomb on all the happening in this gal’s life!!!
My people trust me it was freezing cold but I immediately dragged my self to see her…
The whole thing sounded like something from a naija movie…you know you hear of this things from afar and you see it happen in movies but you never in your wildest dream imagine it can happen to you or to anybody close to you…Well IT DID…and it sure hit close home…
To say I was filled with rage was an understatement…let me categorically state it here and now that any man that HITS a woman is a weakling and honestly he should be hung on a stake by the balls…that was what I felt like doing to this guy…or better still castrate him with no anaesthetics…yes I said it!!!
Did I tell you she is pregnant and she’s also a sickler…now imagine that combination…even if she committed adultery which she didn’t….she sure didn’t deserve to be treated that way…

They met back in Nigeria, she relocated to the UK for health reason, plus she was born here anyways so it just made life easier for her…
She was in the UK and he was back home, they got married, she got pregnant had their first baby in the UK ALONE…he eventually relocates to join her, she thought that will mean a better life…alas she thought wrong…he turned out to be the most irresponsible MF since kingdom come (excuse my Greek).He was an irresponsible and lazy oaf…who could talk the talk but couldn’t walk the walk…
He started abusing her psychologically and none of us her friends and family was any wiser…’cos she truly and sincerely wanted her marriage to work…and justifiably so…I mean every woman wants the “lived happily ever after” ending...but sometimes, you’ve gotta let go…if the foundation is broken, what can the righteous do…so she kept it quiet???
A while ago, they were having one of their “heated fellowships” while she was cooking, he wanted to hit her and she blocked it off by raising her hand (she was holding a knife), she mistakenly cut him…no it wasn’t a knife attack…witnesses were apparently there, but he called the police, got her arrested and charged, she apparently slept in the cell for a night!!!...for God’s sake a woman you said you loved? What kinda love is that I ask?...he later dropped the charge against her but kept taunting her with that and kept threatening her that he’ll get the baby off her and she’ll rot in jail…the abuse continued, but she covered it up well…he beat her, he raped her, reduced her self confidence/esteem and just made her feel irrelevant…

How dare you!!!! You’re a beast and shouldn’t even be allowed to leave in the zoo…you should be isolated and left to rot in the hottest part of hell alone!!!People like you turn good girls to devil and then the next good man that comes along suffers for your misdeeds…
she did the everything for the family, she was the bread winner, she took care of the baby and the home alone…this idiot just loafs around eating, watching TV, chatting on the internet and playing video games…I mean WTF!!!
She had a crises and begged him to call the ambulance for her; she eventually went to the hospital, got admitted for a while and went back home later…on getting home to rest, this beast removes the duvet from her body and pillow underneath her head and started another bout of sickening argument with her…it got so bad that he dragged her off the bed with her hair(uprooting some braids in the process) the living room where he started kicking and punching her…she got most of the punches on her face while busy defending(protecting) the baby in her…she eventually ran out of the house to a neighbour’s and it was this good Samaritan that was able to testify against this beast of a guy…
She had to go back to the hospital…thank God it was the same person(earlier) that attended to her…otherwise this too will probably not have seen the light of day…she was admitted and the doctor actually called the police to arrest the idiot! I saw the pictures of the bruises taken by the police and I almost broke down…
When I saw her, she looked wiser and her mind was made up…she said she doesn’t hate him, but she can’t get back with him ever again…I was very sad…I thought about it for a long time…
Why do we do this to ourselves? ‘cos am sure the writings were clearly on the wall before she married him…would you really call this love or a watered down version?
I obviously learnt from it too…some things are just basic and should not be compromised in any relationship…things like honesty and integrity…when a guy that says he loves you looks you in the eye and lies to you…clearly, there are issues there…
I eventually called the guy to talk to him…actually to blast his head off…and he goes “ahh Nolimit thanks for calling,bla bla bla,we really need to talk"
(like hell we do bozo!)…his voice alone was getting me disgusted, had to get off the phone fast…told him I’ll call him back later…I can’t find it in me to do it…Please Jesus…one more time…take this wheels!!!


Toluwa said…
Men who actually hit women are so heated...reading this.

the fact that she was preggo and a sickler just makes him an animal. He shld rot in jail. GOSH!

mutherfuckers like him just magnifies my conviction. Having a gun for myself and taking self defense classes isnt such a bad idea.

Anyone cld change, and if a guy who said he loved me becomes an animal, i wld blow his brains out. I aint no ones punching bag.

I do feel sorry for the Lady tho, and i hope she gets better. I cant imagine the pain she must have been going through.

I do hope i end up with a sensible human.
Toluwa said…
and FIRSSTTT...avnt been in a while.
Vera Ezimora said…
My God!

That is one sad, sad story. I, too believe that a man should not hit a woman no matter what.... **tongue in cheek** My tongue is in my cheek because I have sometimes wished a man will just hit a woman, but not for cases like your friend's, of course.

I just hope she really doesn't go back 2 him. And I hope he doesn't try 2 harm her further. God will be with her.
Anonymous said…
@ just can imagine how i felt when saw the pictures...the moron had the guts to start yarning paparazzi on the phone...yet to call him,I will of 'cos put that up as well...I hope we all end up with sensible people!!!

oo and welldone for being first!

@Vera I know some women push it...and like you said in this case,this gal was no match for the guy...My prayer is he doesn't turn out to be an obsessed psycho!
Anonymous said…
Wow! Life is tough. I hope we all dont pick monsters as our partner. Like Toluwa said, I may need a freaking GUN!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms.O said…
wow...I need to emails this to some of my friends that are not married yet, but are already being psychologically abused by thier partners. the writing is always on the wall but i don't know why some people choose to ignore it. The man is more than a Bozo! He is a weakling and sees his wife as a way to exert his manhood. I feel sorry for men like that. I am happy your friend has her mind made up foolish man..arrghh am irritated tooo!!
Anonymous said…
I hate to read this sort of thing.

Please, let her make sure to get some sort of restraining order against him or something, or I hope her friends and family can please watch over her and protect her. I've heard of situations where the woman is resolved not to get back with the guy and he has this "If I can't have her no one can" complex where he's determined to destroy her life...literally. God forbid but please tell her to be careful.

Nobody should have to put up with this abuse. God help us all.
ablackjamesbond said…
Don't know what to say. Sad.
Jennifer A. said…
I hate hearing or reading things like this. It makes me angry. Yet, it is so real...
Laughter said…
Am so angry just reading this and it is so sad because many women go through this on a normal day and keep quiet and the sad thing is even the closet family members might not know. I hope she presses charges and i pray he gets deported. Foolish man.
All she need is strong friends and family members so that he won't sweet talk her into coming back because 98.99999999999999% of thetime, they return back to their spouses.
The Activist said…
I know she will be told to pray but I will say it good to pray and it's better to get out of this relationship when she is still alive!
Geebee said…
It's pretty hard to imagine that men who hit women still exist in these parts. I believe regulations on anti-women abuse should be enforced to the latter. This might just check some of these crazy acts.
aloted said…
this is really sad...i wish more women will open their two eyes before entering into such horrible marriages..cuz the signs are always matter how little...

if love is blind the people entering it shouldn't be...

i hope ur friend is strong enuff to completely leave him and get her life back.

as for the guy...i dont even know wat to say about him..but i share ur sentiments
Buttercup said…
gosh..poor her..i hope she and her unborn baby r ok?

its just really upsetting that we sometime do not know what we r getting into, some men seem so perfect initially..God help us..

happy holidays btw!
mizchif said…
Really and truly very Sad!

God give her strength to stay away.
tobenna said…
Frankly, this tale is so shocking that I find it difficult to believe.
You are spot on when you say that no man should never HIT a woman. It is so wrong on all counts.

Having said that, your story sounds one sided. I believe that this fool has tried to make his case and defend himself. If he has, how does he justify his actions?

I'm a man, and I've never hit a woman in my life. However, I can say that I've really come close once. And it was because of the scathing words of a woman. Truthfully, the hands of a man on a woman is abominable. The words of a woman on a man are equally so.

I have a dear friend who is a sickler and is pregnant for her husband here in Naija. If I hear the guy hits her, I'll beat him up. Sonny Corleone style - Godfather
tobenna said…
Ever I mean. Not never.
NoLimit, there is no talking here.
It's really difficult to change a man like this.
Jesus doesnt just need to take the wheels, He needs to carry the whole car!
Jaguda said…
this is sad sad sad
sleekiest said…
This is soo sad, its heart wrenching!!
Just keep being the friend you are and I hope she finds the strength to truly walk away.
Olufunke said…
This is sad!
Like sone one said...It looks like a story from a movie.....but unfortunatlety its REAL!

Oh my God...A pregnant sickler?...dragged by the hair? beaten blue and black?

I dont even know what to say!
I dont know how the girls family will feel to know how thier daughter is being treated by one guy.

I support Tobenna......the whole car should be carried away!
In as much as I know the guy might have his own side and I know ladies..'God give us mouth'
but a man old enough to marry should learn self control!

God! I dont know what to say
I've always beleived no woman marries a man without knowing 'his tendencies' but we close our eyes...or make excuses

I really pray God gives her strength and grace, helps her through her pregnancy and give a new lease of life!

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