WoW!!!...I know her!!!

Hey have y'all been? great I presume...well I'm good and God is great so I can't complain...
well I've been busy with work but that hasn't stopped me from making my usual blog rounds and I must say, I've been exceptionally lucky...or should I call it blessed this December 'cos I've been the first to comment on some of my favourite blogs:-)...hee hee hee!!!
and as per the post before this, I will surely respond to it sometime soon!
Hmmm so to the main reason I'm putting this post up...guys I found out a blogger that I know(anonymously of 'cos) is married to someone I know(in real life)!!! Yep...
Well hers was one of the blogs that inspired/encouraged me to join blogville...I mean you can't read her blog and not know that this gal has got sturves between her ears...seriously!
So there I was checking out her blog on one of dem days...and I saw this post with pictures she took in one of the countries she travelled to (by the way I reckon she's an ajala traveller!)...and I thought to myself...werreminute! those pictures look familiar...and y'all know your gurl is sharp what did I do?...hee hee hee...I simply opened the facebook profile where I saw the pictures and the blog and tiled windows horizontally to see them side by side!!!
And by jove! the pictures were the same! I was like oti o...or can it be???...Naaa...I brushed it aside as coincidence but I "kept this in my heart:-)"...
For some reason, we clicked (you gotta love this I said,she's got brains!!!) and we mailed each other once in a while...then she added me on yahoo when I saw the name...I just started screaming...I was like oooo mai daysss! I couldn't even contain my excitement...I mean what are the odds of meeting someone in blogville that you happen to know...okayyyy in my case indirectly since it's the husband I know!!!...but still what are the odds!

Well I haven't met her in person, but I intend to hopefully sometime in '09 but I've seen her pictures on her husbands profile on FB and y'all just need to know that she's Kyute(cute!)...well I've been talking about no other person than...our very own ALOTED BABE!!!(Ovation plz!)


Anonymous said…
That's so cute that you know (indirectly) aloted babe! She IS cute as a button (I don't know her personally either) and just a great person to talk to!

You'll have to post pictures when the two of you meet! :)
Toluwa said…
i can imagine how u felt...i have met a fellow blogger who was a friend to my cousin. came to our house numerous times and i had no idea...u shld have seen my excitement finding out who he!
Anonymous said…
Oh! ....for an instance, thot 'twas a rejoinder to who is she?
Anonymous said…
awww thats so cool! I bet I know someone here too. Good for you!
doug said…
lol! I reckon there are a lot of real life friends, relatives and acquaintances that are unwittingly also acquainted with each other on blogsville. Anonymity is a really intriguing thing. I shall treasure mine until it is (inevitably?) shattered one day.

Just stopped over to see aloted blog. Had never been there. She really is a thinking one.
aloted said…
MY new friend...hehehehe..had to get off my sick bed to come and see if u updated like u said....i shld write my own version abi...hehehehe

wow i didnt know my blog was one of those that inspired u to join that is a BIG wow for me ...i am seriousily overwhelmed and honored..

awww i have to print this "reference" love u and ur blog as well...and look forward to meeting in 2009.

God bless dearie! and merry christmas

@GNG- no pictures jo ;o)
Emeka Amakeze said…
That's one of the beauties anonymity. With the way you described Aloted's beauty, it's little wonder she uses a lit candle for her avatar. It's all about brilliance, right?
The Activist said…
Rethots posted "who is she" and you posted "...I know her" Lol. Even though bought of you might be talking
about dif people.

ALoted rock!

Merry xmas and happy boxing day
Abujamaiden said…
Thats so cute! World is even smaller.

I love Aloted's blog (and I dunno if this my first time here)
Zayzee said…
lol. can imagine wow u felt. ok. i want a new friend from blogville that i know in real life o! so if u know me, my name is my name now, show urself. lol
Vera Ezimora said… what is her husband's name now?? LOL. Me sef, I wan see pikshure
aloted said…
@Vera- Disclaimer on Nolimit's behalf (who am i No NAMES SHALL BE DIVULGED.

Thank you!
Buttercup said…
aww thats so cool!

u might not believe it but i guessed she was the one cos u mentioned pics n i remember she put up pics of her honeymoon on her

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