I got tagged!!!

Hey blog familee! hope you all had a great weekend...I had a fabulous weekend which I'll blog about later plus I found out 100% that I know one of my fav bloggers...guess who that is!!!...hmmmn more of that gist later!!!I got tagged by yours truly: Aloted babe!!! in the 2 truths and 1 lie meme. Bottom line is you fish out the one lie and 2 truths! right...here we go...

1) I have never been in love!
2) Fashion is my passion!
3) I get bored easily!

I am delighted to tag...wait for this:

4.Woomie O
5.Platinum Diva

6. and the one and only Verastically Vera

Well as no rule was left for me to adhere to, I'll just do my thing...Please tagged folks...list the 2 truths and a lie,tag people you want to and let them know they've been tagged...put up a post of the answer and announce the winner(s)...

So blogville...over to you...will be right back with my gist!!!


bArOquE said…
oh Limitless, how can we when all three are lies?...LMAO

...anyway, it is (1) of course you've been in love before, unless maybe you didnt know
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to hearing the gist!

My guess is 2 is the lie :)
Toluwa said…
#2 is d lie..me thinks...
Jennifer A. said…
Iz a lie...you've been in love before...LOL.
The Activist said…
Mi-lady, you have never being in love? How come? I need more explanation on that o. Are you guiding your heart too much to feel it?
princesa said…

Thanks for tagging me. maybe it'll be my first post for next year.
Anonymous said…
You probably lie not if you declare you have never been in love. What think thee?
aloted said…
hmm tricky,,,it is either 1 or 2...
i want to believe u've been in love before however i dont really see fashion as ur passion...hmmmmmmm

i choose number .....2
NaijaScorpio said…
I would say number 2 is the lie.
laspapi said…
The Falsehood- Fashion is your passion or vice versa. You don't appear overly self-absorbed...which is a really good thing.

I'll do this.
doug said…
Hey! I'm guessing the lie is the bit about fashion.

Lovely blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. But really, I'm wondering why you went three posts back to drop your comment?lol. Thanks for the compliment though.
Zoe Believer said…
I guess number 2 is a lie....how u doing? Merry Christmas..
Vera Ezimora said…
Why are all these people picking number two as the lie? Well, I must conform! So number two is the lie.

No Limit, you need to limit this your mischief oo! Na who send you message of tagging me now??? Okay fine I'll do the tag


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