I dragged myself to put this post up...cos I don't intend to end year 2008 on a sour note! there's no way that's gonna happen!!!I just need to put this post up and give the answer to "true lies" before '09!!!
Well this is obviously the last post I'm putting up for year 2008...
It's been a wonderful year and getting on blogville was one of the highlights of the year!Thank you all for being so wonderful...I made friends with some beautiful people and I got to view issues through the eyes of others...I learnt...I sure did learn great life lessons and I just need to say that there are amazingly intelligent people out there...God is sure great!
Here is wishing you all an amazing 2009;may the good Lord spare our lives to see many more years on this planet earth and may we all fulfill purpose(amen)...

Now to the answer:
1) I have never been in love!
2) Fashion is my passion!
3) I get bored easily!

Well I must say it right here and now that 99.9% of you guys are WINCHES yes you are!!!...did you ask me why? well 'cos you got the answer!

Yes it is true o...I have never been in love, *some eyebrows are raised*...okay let me put this in proper context!
I have been in crush and in lust but love...never! I can go all mushy over a guy for a while...but give it time and I begin to wonder what I saw in him in the first my people tell me is that one love? Of 'cos I look forward to being in love...I mean who won't???

Truth be told,I don't care about fashion per say...of 'cos looking good is good business and you're addressed the way you dress etc...But I don't go with the trend never have and don't think I ever will period!!!

Yes it's true,I get bored easily...I got a bit of wacking for this back in the days...if I'm being thought a topic I'm not interested in, all I do is switch of and let my imagination build stories in my mind! ha ha ha!!!those were the days,now I try as much as possible to be actively involved in what I'm doing otherwise...that's it,I just switch off and go to la-la land...

So that's all folks for year '08...I ma see you in ' to eat...xoxo


Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, dear NoLimit!

It's been great getting to know you through your blog and I pray that 2009 is the best year yet for you.
aloted said…
happy new year...!!!

yippee i got it right...i believe you will find true love this year...2009 is the year! Amen? Amen!!!!

Ehn far with the "stuff"..did your brother bring it?? I don check u for online but u no dey...speak soon
Happy New year!!!!!
'Yar Mama said…
Happy New Year!
Rebirth said…
Happy new year..... didnt fall in love till last year too but yep, i got burned...... hope u find true love that u deserve
sleekiest said…
No limit... see your nose growing longer. How can you say you've never been in love? So what do you call the affection you have for me?
MW, all these offline-online business you have with aloted is making me jealous o!!
Happy new year dearie!!!
Writefreak said…
Happy new year no limit

May this new year bring your true love-*winks*

When will you update?

ps: just added you to my bloglist
sleekiest said…
Happy New Year, babe!!
NoLimit said…
@GNG...Amen to that...wish you the same gal!knowing you has been a privilege!

@Aloted Omoge fun ra e!Amen to that believe of yours o!!!hee hee hee!!!
Just saw your response to my mail on FB so I presume that is sorted...I shall contact you ASAP as soon as I gerrit!!!

@DOJA Wish you the same...May '09 be joyful for you!!!

@Madam Solo...I throway salute o!Happy new year to you too!!!

@Yar Mama...Happy new year to you too...pls update regularly this year o...Love your blog to bits!

@Funms...meen it's that burning part I don't like o!Happy new year to you too gal!

@Sleek babe...haba don't get jealous!Happy new year to you too gal...luving ur blog!!!...

@Write freak...Awww I'm honoured!!!Happy new year to you too!!! I've updated o!I promise to be consistent this help me God...I'm adding you to my blog list right this second!
NoLimit said…
@Writefreak: Werreminute...Is your blog coded?...can't seem to find it o!
aloted said…
No wahala's all good

meanwhile writefreak can't get on her laptop or something and has bugged me to give u her url

here goes-

ta ta!

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