Thankful Saturday...V3

Hello blogville...I've missed you guys like crazy...hope you're all good and your weekend has been quite restful like mine is...not.
This is my third post on thankfulness and I am extremely happy that I'm able to put this post up...
There's so much to blog about and so little time to put it down...but I'll keep trying...

Here goes my list for the week...

I am thankful for:

1.Obama's inauguration; This has given hope unlimited and deflated the lame excuse that there's a glass ceiling a black man can't get through...I can if I want...I need to remember that "talk is cheap"!!!

2.Another addition to my family...albeit a lighter mood:this weekly baby addition(s) is costing me men!Gosh!!! have they not heard of the expression: "make LOVE not BABIES"??? y'all know I'm just kidding...I'm loving the added blessings that's what they are...

3...Ipod...facebook...They make communication sooo much easier(like you don't know already:-)...)NERD is the new COOL...well if you didn't know, now you know...I digress!
Got a call from a primary school mate...I was pleasantly surprised...while we were chatting on the phone, I smiled and sent a prayer to God for the brains behind facebook!

4.My job/work...was at the post office earlier in the week to pay some related...I noticed the queue was extremely long and was wondering why this was so...well I didn't have to wait for too long to find that out...I realised 90-99% of people on the queue were there to collect "giro"...benefit/allowance whatever it is called!
A cocktail of emotions ran through me...from anger to irritation to pity to disappointment etc...
While this was going on, I realised it could have been me standing there waiting to collect a handout from the government...just enough to cover the basics till the next week for the next fix! but isn't...I am truly thankful for His mercy and grace!

5.The grace to fight my many battles:He sure didn't promise a smooth ride...the road is bumpy and fabulous lol and I'm gonna love every nanosecond of the ride!

Hope we've not broken our new year resolution(s)...stay focused and stay connected to the Source...have a brilliant week...


Anonymous said…
Oooh, I'm loving your thankfulness, NoLimit and this list was particularly fab!

I'm thankful for facebook too: I received a call from a sort of relative who remembered me from Nigeria over 20 years ago! I didn't remember him and he's only two years older than I am so I have no idea how he remembered me. Anyhow, he called today and it was so great to speak with him and he was so happy to have found my family via facebook.

I can't even remember if I made resolutions for this year...all I know is this year will be the best year so far!

Have a lovely evening and a great Sunday, girl! ♥
Anonymous said…
hey lady! you have a fabulous week yourself.
Writefreak said…
Great list dear! Thank God for the addition, children are a heritage from the Lord...though they might be

Like GNG, i am thankful for facebook cos i found one of my uncles who we hadn't been in touch with for a long time there and now we have a rapport!
The Activist said…
Thank God for everything. Obamerica, new addition, your job and many more.

I always dread mondays cos I have to get back to work but thank God is Sunday
NaijaBabe said…
I should start this thankful days post...the least I can do to God for being amazing in my life.

Thank God for facebook too...found about 1 of my secondary school mates, I know its only been only 5 or 6 years and some may be going longer without fining their friends but im still thankful, we has a week reminiscing on old pics that were put up

I think of the people who live day in day out between on giro pay and the other and I thank God for hi blessings in my life. That I have the means and capability to fend for myself even in rough times.
Enkay said…
I'm discovering that the more I thank God for the 'little' things, I find so much more to be thankful for!

I join you to thank God for your job. Things may be getting harder but at least you still have that!
nice one.

Have an excellent week!
aloted said…
feeling this post men.

i am thankful for the gift of life!
Vera Ezimora said…
Babe, I'm feeling you on the baby thing too oh. Haba! Every weekend pesin dey born pikin; I no get money again o. B4 you finish that one, 1st yr birthday will come. Nawa ooo. LOL
NoLimit said…
@GNG...Thanks babes...that is facebook for you o...the world is shrinking by the second!!!
@Temite...Thanks gehl!!!
@Writefreak...Facebook should be the 8th wonder of the world...abi what says you?Meeen children are expensive heritage o!lol
@StandTall...Funny enough I love colleague think it is weird lol...I have monday and friday highs...On mondays, I am so high and sooo ready take up any task...don't ask me about Wednesday though and of 'cos I have friday high for obvious reason(s)!lol
@NaijaBabe...Seriously it is a good series...there's so much to be thankful for that we sometimes overlook these things due to "busyness"...
Enkay...Thanks Enkay,I totally agree with you...
Madam Solo...thanks mam...wish you the same...
@Aloted...thanks babes...I still owe you a call o...
@Vera...Babe that is ehn...I tire o!!!Once this babies understand what video game is,na the end be that o...I actually told my nephews that I DON'T buy video games etc for of nowadays have very wide throats o!
Anonymous said…
You can never give enough thanks :) It's so good to be thankful. Thanks for stopping by at WeWe Clothing.
Saved Girl said…
LOVE THIS POST. I just decided to do a Testimony Tuesday post...thanks for posting whats good in your life.
NoLimit said…
@Folake...the pleasure is all mine...I won't be a stranger...lovely blog you have there...
@Saved girl...thanks for stopping to check yours out...
Buttercup said…
great list! i cant begin to say how grateful i am for facebook, i just wont stop if i

thank God for Obama too..i just pray for his protection..

i didnt make any resolutions..

how r u anywayz??

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