Thankful Saturday...V4

Hey peops, thank you all for your comments on my last post...I heart you all!!! Doug and Fanny I have no word for you guys o!!!!
Well truth be told I ended up not taking him, to lunch...yes ...GNG I ended up dragging my heels as you rightly the time I was ready to ask, he had gone for lunch!!! Okay I hope to do that that sometime next week... thankfully I learnt a valuable lesson!

Moving on...this is my fourth thankful Saturday and my thankfulness knows No Limit!!!
here we go...

I am thankful for...

1. My Church community...Joining this church has been one of the greatest step in the right direction for yours truly...I keep getting inspired and motivated it is awesome...

2. Valuable lesson learnt now I know better now bet it'll never repeat it self again...otherwise, please flog me!!!lol

3. For blogville no psyches but you guys can cheer me up any day...all I have to do is check on you beautiful peop's blogville and viola!!! I'm high again...

4.The grace to sleep and wake up...for real o...heard of a friend of mine whose dad died a couple of weeks back,I actually thought the man was ill or something related to that, but I was told he was very okay...he just "SLEPT AND NEVER WOKE UP" you know why I am grateful...only the living can praise it is pure and sheer grace!

5. For ME,me and me!!!... seriously guys I should have put this up last week but I didn't remember...don't ever complain about your hands or your legs ever again after reading this ... can you imagine the pain and agony she went though? If you complain about any/some part(s) of your body, imagine losing it/them or not having the ability to use it/them ever again?...I sure am thankful...

6.A new month!!! Wow it's amazing that February is hear already...I'm glad January is over....I really pray the new month brings nicer news....for us all...make every day of this new month worth it for you!

I can go on and on, but I'll stop here today...Selah(Pause and think deeply about these)...
Have a beautiful new about those resolutions?Hope we're still focused on getting it right this year...Chin up and keep your head up high!!!


Anonymous said…
What I love about your Thankful Saturdays is you always get me thinking, in a "wow, I never thought of it that way" sort of way, so thank you for that.

My dad always tells me not to complain about my body parts and gosh after reading that article I will rejoice for every last bit of me. I pray she will survive.

Have a lovely new month, NoLimit!
doug said…
lol! I was just giving advice dude. Nice post. I went to read the story of that Brazilian model. They said it all in that site when they said it was "desperately sad". Good Lord!
Writefreak said…
I thank God for you dear...and i thank God for every part of my body and for being hale and hearty!

Have a swell February!
aloted said…
i thank God for his goodness...and that i didnt slip in this dreadful snow!
aloted said…
i thank God for his goodness...and that i didnt slip in this dreadful snow!

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