10 things Saturday V2

Hey peops...how have you all been?I tell you this week has been crayzee...from deadlines at work to entertaining naija guests(y'all know how we do especially when it comes to the "elderly" folks!!!)...to some one nearly flooding my flat...now that was absolutely NOT funny...to me getting locked out of my own abode!see me see yawa...to me freaking out cos I thot i left my bag on a bus!!!

In all these, I am absolutely thankful...truth be told, it could have been worse!

Here is the list of what I'm thankful for this week...

1.I am thankful for...the safe delivery of my friend’s baby who is now my new god-son (by hook or by crook!)

2.I am thankful for the opportunity to be a listening ear to someone…it could be worse, I could be deaf!!!!

3.I am thankful for freedom...the ability to go wherever, whenever and by whichever means I decide to…

4.I am thankful for the silly cow that almost flooded the building I live in...That gave me the opportunity to practice the virtue called patience and number 2 above…

5.I am thankful for my naija peops who come over ever so often to load me with much needed “home goods”(PS:no I ain’t sharing I’m just thankful period!!!:-))

6.I am thankful; for the J-I-T buses and trains that open their doors as I step right on the platform…I am also thankful for the empty seat in a crowded train at 6p.m in the evening!!!(Lordy Lord…you can’t begin to imagine the bliss!!!)

7.I am thankful for my friend’s assessment…she came out tops!!!

8.I am thankful for the meal I’m eating right this second…even though I was given what I didn’t order for…but hey…I’m grateful for the adventure of stepping outside my comfort zone…food wise that is…(okay again this was on Friday!!!)

9.I am thankful that I found my hand bag...I almost freaked out when I realised I didn't have it on getting the bus this afternoon...only to get home to find the bag smiling right back at me...*sighs* I think I need a much deserved break!!!

10.I'm thankful for the semi free ride that got me home when it was raining cats and dogs...

I'll be back to give you the story behind my missing bag!!!Have a beautiful week and stay focused on that/those resolution(s)!!!


Toluwa said…
i am thankful with u...lol!

i need to be on ur blogroll, i deserve it. no?
Writefreak said…
We thank God for His grace, i'm glad you didn't lose your bag and your apartment wasn't flooded!

So will you and aloted set up an account and how do you want to go about funds collection for me? lol
NoLimit said…
@Just Toluwa...madam I'm adding you right this second!forgive my error of omission o!
@Write Freak...I'm more glad...asper the account set up...not to worry, we'll work something out...but ermmm *clearing my throat*....ermmm commission...ermmm* still clearing my throat*...lol...
aloted said…
lol at being thankful for the silly cow ...lol..i thot that was funny!!!

NoLimit ehn hen..na so e be..u didnt mention on the phone that u had goodies from naija abi...cuz u knew i will ask for my share..

so here's the deal..I know you don't want to share but em when i get that my merchandise from u...u go add goodies from naija o...ehn biko..i dey beg i no sha ko...lol
hey....what do you mean "by hook or by crook" in No.1 ?Pray it's not what I'm thinking !!! I envy you for No.3 though - I would have loved to be at Obama's inauguration, but obviously....Nice week pal !
Anonymous said…
The "silly cow" reference made me laugh too.

I am really going to enjoy reading these lists!
LG said…
i m thankful for life
NoLimit said…
@Aloted...okay because say na you o!!! I will share...:-)...yes o! "silly cow" describes the guy to the dot!lol
@Africa(long thing!)...but you can be there virtually...some don't even have that "luxury"!!!
@GNG...yes o!!! watch this space...it'll be worth your while...
@LG...so am I gal...hope you're good...
Have a great week guys!!!
Awww I like your gratitude list! Theres so much to be greatful for...
ablackjamesbond said…
@ Just Toluwa....thankfl with her...lol

I am thankful for bloggers like ou who make blogville interesting.
Geebee said…
It feels good to have a lot of things to be thankful for. Unfortunately, some people would confidently say they've got nothing to be thankful for. Selfish creeps, i call them. God's faithfulness is immeasurable. That alone sums up all the possible reasons to thank him for. I thank God because this year is gonna be different . . . and I mean different!
olusimeon said…
heehehhee..i'm thankful that you are on blogville...
Rebirth said…
thats a beautiful list.... need to be thinking about the daily and little things too......... so how r we splitting the naija goodies? have a great week
The Activist said…
Thank God for everyting.

Lol at the cow story but thank God for it o
NoLimit said…
@NDQ...I'm glad you like it...there sure is much to be thankful for!!!
@BJB...Awww.now you're making my head swell...how can it ever shrink back to size again now!!!somebody should "lagimo"* for me o!!!:-)
@GeeBee...it sure will be a different year...in a positive way of 'cos...You're so right on God's faithfulness...and you know what they say about thanking God...if you thank Him for His finger in your life...then you'll see His Hand in your life in no time at all...
@Simeone...I'm thankful that you're on blogville too...
@Funms...thanks babes...trust me...this exercise is a lesson in appreciating God...it is amazing!!!
@StandTall...I'm glad I made you laugh!!!:-)
*lagimo=Hit it with a stick...
Enkay said…
I have actually left some of my stuff on a bus before and my! It wasn't funny at all! I got the stuff back 3days later but that was after a lot of hassle.

So yeah, i join you to thank God on that one!
teebay said…
i'm thankfull ur thankfull

Buttercup said…
wow, i can just imagine ur relief..i thank God on ur behalf for everything!

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