30 Day challenge... DAY 2 - Something I feel so Strongly About.
Well that would be injustice, I totally can't stand being cheated or seeing others cheated... It makes my blood boil...it makes me see RED need I say more:).
Well I had written a whole bunch of stuff about this but on reading through, I feel it is not really relevant/necessary to put it on here... so I'll just go with the flow as usual.
Injustice is everywhere and my heart weeps every time I see people treated in a way humans don't deserve to be treated.
It is always difficult for me to just ignore and let go even though I know I'm not Voltron the defender of the universe.
Injustice in my opinion is an act of selfishness... it totally sucks...don't know about how to eradicate this, but I know it is possible to consciously treat others with respect due them regardless of who it is.
Thanks for sharing.
@Seye... RME!