30 Day challenge... DAY 3 - A book I love

One author that keeps me awake till the last chapter is James Patterson... His novels are just MAD ( in a good way).
I remember getting one of his books and I started reading it on my home from work around 6pm...It wasn't until 4am the next day that I slept and that was after the very last page was read!
I also remember a day I had to stop at the nearest coffee on my way to work just because I wanted to finish a James Patterson novel...truth be told, not all authors leave me wanting to turn the page like that... some years back it was Sidney Sheldon... but I got to know about James Patterson through Funms...
Bottom-line is his books are amazing and as Aloted said in her post... it could make you start acting overly suspicious of people! you need to read her post about thrillers here lol!


I am putting day4 up as well...wasn't able to post Day 3 at the appropriate time because I was knackered and slept off:) Pardon me!


kelechizy said…
Nice Post.
I too love books. But just read for a while. See ya
Good Naija Girl said…
Aren't books great?

The only James Patterson books I've read are the non-thrillers—go figure! I liked Sundays at Tiffany's, Sam's Letters to Jennifer, and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas.
Myne said…
I haven't read a thriller in a long while, should check out a Patterson.
NoLimit said…
@Kelechi... Thanks :)

@GNG... Books are definitely great! Seriously try reading the thrillers...you'll thank me later or not!:P

@Myne Whitman...Yes pleae...do that :)
aloted said…
James Patterson is t'oh bad! I haven't read his books in a while though.

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