
Showing posts from 2010

2010:It's A Wrap...and I'm Still Standing.

The songs below depicts how I feel...I couldn't have said it better! 2010 started with a big looked promising and as a die hard optimist, everyday was a blessing no matter how many lows I may have had in 24hours...I just bounced back.It wasn't my own was Baba God the One who is worthy of all my praise...the One who deserves the glory eternally. The King Immortal,King Eternal,I am that I am, the Lion of the tribe of Judah...the One who's word is yea and amen. It's not about how I is about who you are Lord...and I know that you are God and not man. I was excited, I was empowered and was revving to eyes were fixed on the price and I wasn't going to lose sight of what mattered. I learnt some valuable lessons in the early month and it helped throughout the year. February came in slowly but surely and I was yet to say "what's up" when it swiftly made way for birth month...I had plans for my birthday, ...

Suddenly it dawned on me...

Did I lose my blogging mojo? Only time will tell. Yesterday was Christmas and it was fantastic :) ... Pigged out on so much and even as I type, I am thinking of having some desert never mind the time! Usually on Christmas day, I go out of my way to wish all and sundry a wonderful Christmas bla bla bla but this year was a bit you ask? Let's just say...I JUST DIDN'T SEND!!! I did my thing, hollaed back at those that hollaed @ me and went ahead to max out the day efficiently. To be honest it felt a bit liberating ... Bottom-line is just because I didn't call/text doesn't mean I don't care. All my peops have their special places in my heart and they are irreplaceable. I don't need to wait for Christmas to wish them well. Okay that desert is really calling me ttyl.

Thinking Out Loud

Hey blogville, hope your weekend has been as great as mine. Was having a night-in with my sisters and we got talking about this "aunty" ( you know those family friends you can't call by name) and the way she used to ill-treat her house-helps ( I want to believe she has changed)... I thought I was the only one who noticed while growing up apparently I was wrong...hmmm another blog topic. But really why do people treat their helps like second class citizens like they don't have a right to hope and have a future like their own children...more on that... A good friend has been lying to know who you are...I'm sure we both know where we stand... your smile can't fool me and when you say good me...I check the time...but you're still my good friend! Double standards exist all over and it isn't about to die...I will keep revolting against double standard(s) if I am the victim or know the victim...I won't drink panadol for another ...

Nigeria @ 50 - Let's Get This Straight!!!

Nigeria @ 50 Day 20 - Myne Whitman There's always something to give thanks for no matter how little plus the Good book says to give thanks IN all things...With this in my head, I celebrated Nigeria's 50th independence anniversary. It is true that our leaders have failed us to no end and let's be honest many of them are long gone in their evil ways that to turn around and do good will only be the death of them... What I found out though is that we all have made Nigeria what it is today...either by acting or just keeping mum(remember the siddon dey look action?)...All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to fold their arms and do nothing. And like a friend once said,casting all puritanic and holier than thou attitude off,we have all benefited from Nigeria's corruption to a certain degree albeit your heart and soul and you will realise this is true. So what is the way forward.First can I just say that if you don't have nothing good to mouth off ...

Don't Give A Dog A Bad Name

Heard about a fellow blogger's partner's demise and went over to her blog to commiserate with her over such a terrible loss...Alas what did I see? A comment saying her loss was a punishment from God for all the bad things she's done. The commenter went on to say she should go to church and is what was posted verbatim: "You are cursed... It's gods way of telling you that the way you live your life is ungodly. Start going to church. Repent your sins so that you can be saved." Statements like this makes me wonder if some that call themselves believers actually have a real relationship with God or they are just following doctrines of men blindly! The greatest commandment is love and the above statement does not ooze love in anyway...and as far as I'm concerned, any act that is not in love is against God's will as stated here Jesus came to save sinners not those that think they are righteous and can I categorically state here that as a...


Hey blogville... Been a minute since I came on here...just when I thought I will be more consistent with putting posts up, life just had to happen! I'm not going to knock myself too hard, I will just pick up from where I left and try to be more consistent. Kudos to consistent bloggers on blogville...don't know how you guys do it but all I can say is: Well done!!! I witnessed a "development" some days back and I'm determined to blog about it! Will come back to "talk about it" in a minute...Yes I promise to be back!

A Girl Has Gotta Do What A Girl Has Gotta Do...

I always say we learn everyday...and I mean that literarilly and so doing, we grow...growth can either be vertically,horizontally or both...but I don't know where to place figure out yourself. I discovered something about myself...I realised that I tend to get affirmation from people I love,trust and respect before making a decision (usually major) and this in itself is not a bad thing afterall the good book says "In the multitude of counsel, there is safety" . But it becomes a problem when it takes precedence over affirmation from God!(I can explain) For instance if I'm about to make a decision,I tend to call up and talk to people I trust and respect who will give me good advice on how to go about it and I also get their opinion on whether it is a good or bad decision and based on this...I make my makes sense BUT and a big one at that...It should be in a totally different order...ask God...Let Him through the HS lead you to w...

Jesus Knows...

It's been ages since I came here...not because I don't want to...but work and life happened...Sometimes I wake up wanting to just write and keep writing all day here...but then work happens and the thought flies out like it was never there in the first place... I will definitely try to be here more often. Hmmmn nothing increases my "writing-ability" like rage and right now I am not amused. But let's just leave that for now...I'm learning not to be a fool ...having said that, I'm still in awe of how merciful God is...let's just say mankind should be thankful that I'm not GOD!!! Enjoy the track below by infinity...message says Jesus when you think you have your track covered and no one knows about your "mess ups"...Jesus knows and He is only being merciful...He can treat your mess up anyday...but He would rather have you repent as declared right here ... it is worse when you proclaim to know Christ...yet your actions don't m...

Many Women Have Done Wonderful Things...But You've Outclassed Them All!!!

"She brings him good not harm all the days of her life,her husband can trust her and she will greatly enrich him" The statement above from Proverbs 31 is one amongst many of the verses that gives me cause to sigh whenever I read the passage. Some days after starting this post,It suddenly dawned on me while at a wedding that I shouldn't feel weary about the proverbs 31 woman...rather, I should embrace what she stands for and aspire to be like her. She should be a benchmark to measure my actions and reactions by and yes it is true that I may not get it right all the time, nevertheless I shouldn't stop aspiring to be this woman...she is my role model... This is a woman who's words can be taken to the bank ...she is an epitome of the millenium woman cause she is no slacker neither is she a doormat... She is analytical and an investor not just in the world of business but also an investor in people. I can not but emphasis the fact that this woman has a very high bu...

Proverbs 31 Man AKA Mr P31

This is a peak into the proverbs 31 woman's life from a man's point of view.He said and I paraphrase "Everyone talks about the Proverbs 31 woman and her virtues but no one thinks about the pressure the husband must be facing." My view on the proverbs 31 woman will be coming up shortly as well...Happy reading This was written by Jibola who happens to be blogless at the moment. I express my sincerest apologies for the delay in the delivery of my two cents on who I'd like to call Mrs. Proverbs 31 (Mrs P31). Now let's take a peak into her life and kind of bring her to 2010. Madam P31 is a mini Zizi Cardow , she's probably up at say 4 or 5am. She invests in real estate. She is a very proactive woman, hence why her lamps never go out in the night and she isn't scared of winter. And her husband is famous with the 'elders' because of her. Of course let's not forget that she does her husband "good and not evil all the days of her life". N...

Long Overdue Thankfulness 004

Praise shouldn't come when everything is seemingly okay...Cobhams Asuquo said this in one of his wonderful worship song and I thought to is on point! So here is me saying Lord I know you are a living God and you reign in the affairs of men...You know all things and I NoLimit choose to worship regardless of the circumstance....drawing strength from your grace. You can check the track out here ...don't know how to embed from to my blog...any teacher? while we are @ it...enjoy this video... I have received so many divine favours...yes divine 'cos I know it wasn't by my power or it wasn't a case of oh I qualified for are some of the things I am thankful for... I am thankful for: 1.My Nephew: He applied to some secondary schools here...but he had his eyes on a particular one.(well I'm not sure that's what they call it here in the UK but where I come from that is what they call it ie Secondary School!:)) People in the UK can b...

Re: In The Name of All Things Men.

Was stuck on the train in the middle of no where for a while...national rail can like to get their acts together!What better time to write/type than then:) Here are the random thoughts that came to me based on Vera's radio show...but before then, enjoy this track... Don't blame the men for the lies,blame the women who will swallow any lie so long as it makes them look good...don't blame the women,blame the men who put them in that state. Personally I'm of the opinion that a strong onus is on the woman to decide not to be stupid...we are nuturing and very kind...a guy will take you on a ride if he knows he can get away with murder where he's concerned in your life. Sometimes we love the idea of being in love than love isn't about how you feel,if it was about feeling then I should have killed by now.Reminds me of the time my friend asked me "how can something that feels so good be so wrong"...the act is not wrong darling it is the timing tha...

10 things I like + A great track

I've got two different versions of this great tell me,which do you prefer? The first one is right here...the second one is below.... I was tagged by OluSimeon to yarn about ten things I like... here we go! 10 Things I like 1.Music...Gosh I totally love good music and I can smell a hit track from a distance...I can't explain it but I know! 2.Networking...there's just something fulfilling about hooking up a buyer with a seller...or vice makes me satisfied...and the fact that I'm relating with people makes it worthwhile... 3.Excel...My love for excel is thrills me to no end to get a formular right etc... 4.Great intelligent conversation/Hanging out with great people...I enjoy having intelligent convos with people...conversations that builds and is just plain ol' uplifitng... 5.Dancing...I love to dance and it is normal to see me dancing in front of the mirror to any of my favourite tracks...for hours lol...gotta perfect...

When The Enemy Within is Exposed...and The Power of Naija

Imagine this live in the same house with someone you think you have a good relationship least to an extent. Although she's reckon she is close enough to call you to order if need be and if she steps on your really don't have to hide the fact that she hurt you from her... Then comes a day you had a slight and I mean very slight argument with decided to go out for a dose of fresh air to clear your were on your way out you opened the door to depart... But changed your mind...well just because you can...She heard the door close and probably assumed you had gone out...then she gets on the phone to whoever to start yada yadaing about she really pours out the venom and throws a curse or two your way in the process...and you're there...listening....but she has no idea!!! I laugh... You allow her to run her mouth to the very last drop...then you go to her,smile and say...hey,you g...


This song is dedicated to Nigeria...that's what we all should be least on behalf of Nigeria!!! Been postponing this post for a while for no sensible reason at all...I told myself at the beginning of the year that I will blog more often...apparently I've been failing to do that...let's hope I've repented... Nigeria is one country that fascinates me and the reason is not far fetched, I am Nigerian and I love my country warts and all. The journey was quite productive thank God!!! And this time around, I went with my eyes wide opened to learn and discover... Bottom line is I've given myself a period of time to waka back to my town...once that time is ripe...I'm back in town... My people I can't lie to you, there's no place like home! I savored every moment and ensured I had it marked down in my brain...good example...I remember chilling on the balcony with family members just chatting over a bowl of fruit...biko where you wan do that one for here ...

Thankfulness 003

I am not a happy chappy as I type and I really don't "feel" like thanking God for anything...not because I don't have things to be thankful for...I actually do...but I'm just feeling "drained"...but's just a feeling right?...this too shall pass! I usually feel this way when I'm missing Nigeria plus watching that programme on BBC2 about Nigeria added to can check the episode1 out here ...I actually went to VocalSlenders Myspace site and I cried as I listened to the track "Nigeria"...sometimes where Nigeria is concerned, I feel so helpless...selfishness and greed has eating deep into us as a nation and as individuals and we can't even see it...all we do 24/7 is to try to remove the speck from other people's eyes while the heavy log remains in ours...You will be shocked at how corrupt that your church loving,heavy offering giving uncle/aunty is...I weep...Okay this is not about Nigeria or about how I feel so I...

As Random As They Come...

It's been a minute and it seems like I've been on a roller coaster enjoyable one I must say... So many things have changed since my last post nothing life destroying so you can breathe easy... I definitely have changed,will talk about this in future posts...yes I'm still here and I'm waxing stronger, no doubt about that...feeling a bit emotional about Naij right this second...but that is to be expected right? Anyways ttyl pple! :)

Single and Loving it!!!...Kinni Big deal...

I wrote an article(call it a post) a while back and I feel sooo honored to have it up on FemmeLounge is an excerpt from the write up(post) ................................................................................ Okay, whatā€™s the big deal? Do I need to have a man before I have true happiness? Sometime last year, I listened to a radio talk show discussing whether being single and happy is a myth. I was on my way out when the show came on air, but I called in and I aired my view which is... Please click here to read more and leave your comments!!! :)...luv you all!mwah!!!

Thankfulness 002

...This is all I'm saying @ the moment: Today marks the beginning of the last month of the first quarter in year 2010...*sighs* how time flies... February was an awesome month and I'm just so thankful for so many things amongst which are... 1. God's words not going back void to Him in my life ...The God who will not hesitate to fight for my sake and save me (He's a fair and just God and He just loves me like that...I don't even know the depth) may want to dwell under His wings to partake of this awesome deed cos in all honesty, it came to pass in my life in the month of February...He showed up and came through for me... 2.For life lessons learnt first hand which I'll be blogging about later...can someone please remind me?;-) thank you!!! of which is...Never ever promise to do what you can't deliver(very lame indeed!!!) 3.Help in my time of need: Please guys just take a minute to go to GNG and Seye 's blog and thank them for me for being...

Out With the Fake...In With the Real

Preview to Post A friend of mine relocated to Lagos a while back...when I asked her how she was adjusting....she was like "NoLimit people just love the pastic life"...she told me about people(I'm going to generalise and include guys too 'cos it is true!) taking out loans to rent apartments in highbrow areas like Lekki and buy cars they can obviously NOT maintain!!! She also said said everybody tries to act like an elite and in most cases...people can see through the fake I ask again what is the point of going burst to impress people that don't even know you exist?..."Babes" in this post can be anybody...if the shoe fits snuggly,wear it. Out with the fake plastic with the real happy life!!! Quit it...just cos your galfriend drives a top of the range car doesn't mean you should get a loan to upgrade yourself to her "level" Babes renew your mind...believe me when I say it isn't worth the hassle...what exactly is the p...

Woman...Man With A Womb...

I'm a woman...A man with a womb...I'm fragile yet I'm durable...I'm made of refined product(s)...I am soft yet so hard...I'm a amazon... When I set my heart on a mission...I go all out to accomplish it...Heaven help you if you are an obstacle in my either move or you feel the impact of a moving trailer... I'm the sweetest thing that can ever happen to mankind yet can be as bitter as bile... When I'm feel it...When I'm know it!!! I have been blessed with the gift of the school run,,,whilst mentally jotting down the day's to-do list and prepare for the morning's board meeting simultaneously...I talk the kids through their homework whilst preparing dinner and on the phone to my girlfriend dishing out words of encouragement all at the same... I could have the phone in my ears...whilst painting my nails...chatting on my laptop and watching my favourite late night show...all at ...

Trudging on...Regardless

Enjoy this... Bit by bit...step by step...I'm getting there... Not taking anything for granted...Every pain...every joy...every moment to be cherished. It doesn't matter what I think or feel...what matters is that I align my life to Your will...THE BIGGER PICTURE... I will be grateful for the sober moments as much as I am for the great times...since I know the trials expand my capacity to receive from You...In the will all add up. When and if I have to go through pain...all I ask for is the grace and Your mercy to bear it all...'Cause of my own accord... I WON'T and I CAN'T...but with You by my side I know it will be a walk in the will be just for a short while... I am still eternally grateful Lord... and I know you love me too much to leave me the way I am...

Thankfulness 001

Morning blogville...I'm torn between two songs for this I decided to upload at the beginning and the other at the end!!! To depict how God is " The beginning and the conclusion,the Alpha and Omega",The A to Z ...Oh by the way Gabriel Eziashi proposed to his wife while he was in prison and she said yes (@ 3:10)!!!Another reason to be thankful!!! :-) Only a fool will say there's no God ....and a BIG FOOL at that!!! God has been good to me in spite of my many foolish acts and even though I was the chairman of sinners...He saved me and transformed my life...what more can I do than to thank Jehovah Jireh the God that provides even before asking...Awesome is He and mighty are His deeds! 1. I am thankful that He has used the foolish things of this world to perplex the wise...hence the reason the footie analysers FAILED in the assessment of the Zambia/Nigeria match...I know some doubters will tell me to "leave God out of this" but I'm sorry...

Chin Up...The Sun's Gonna Shine Again

This post is dedicated to a wonderful friend of mine who's heart got stomped all over!!! Sometimes, I wonder why bad things happen to good people, was it their sin,is the devil trying to break them or is it God proving He is sovereign in the affairs of men?...letting us know that He can and will do as He pleases...these questions and many more run through my mind in times like this. All I can say is...Chin up!!! 'Cos eventually, everything works out in the end. I know when you're going through issues like that, It is the last thing you really want to hear, but that is what must be said ... it is the tried and tested truth! You're stronger than you think and in the'll be greater for it(If it doesn't break you, it'll make you is what they say!!!) I know it is hard and you think/feel you're the loser...but it is just a feeling...this too shall pass... Just breathe and live and at long last, the lines will fall for you in pleasant places...I believ...

Just Let It Go...

Had a minor clash with a friend of mine...I should have just kept quiet and stepped down/walked away...but me being me refused to listen to the voice of reason...I was like dude bring it on! ...If you bring fire I'll quench it...and if you bring water,I will boil it dry!!! *agbero mode alert* Anyways we remained kind of aloof... I honestly hate keeping grudges,I just don't have the capacity to handle it,I won't be able to sleep and honestly my mind won't be settled especially when I know there's indeed an issue to be ironed out. To be sincere it was just a little joke that turned ugly,I felt he overreacted and in my books that is should be able to handle being the butt of a joke especially when you know how to dish it out on others. I decided to call him up to talk about it...and guess what? It was a stupid breakdown in communication. Moral of the story...your friend is not the enemy,regardless of the situation...the devil is the enemy(yes I'm blami...

User Syndrome!!!

I'm loving this at the moment!!! You call me and I don't pick ask after me and I clam complain we don't see often enough and I get need a favour, I decline...Then I need your help and I expect you to respond immediately... Why do we do that? is there any genetic problem that causes that? if there is, I honestly don't want my child sharing it! It is selfish and it is called "user syndrome"!!! I apologise for being like that and I promise to mend my bad're a great friend and you don't deserve such an off handed treatment!!! *Me chastising myself for being selfish to my friend.... Hey peops, how have you guys been? great I presume...well I'm doing great too and I hope year 2010 will see me updating my blog regularly...yeah consistency is one thing I lack occasionally... frustrating but true...the post above was me talking to myself about the way I sometimes take people in my life for, frien...

We made it!!!

2009 was tagged year of increase...and like any normal human being, there I was thinking wow awesome: I thought it meant...bigger car(s),bigger house(s),more money in my account...more know just increase in every physical aspect of my life( eerrr apart from my size )!!! But I was dead wrong on all was indeed my year of increase...increased faith and trust in the Big G! Geez I was stretched beyond what I thought I could handle...and it was instilled in me the fact that God is my source, not my family, job,my business nor friends just GOD! It was a year where my walk with God was tested on all levels, of course I failed some, had to retake some but all in all I'm glad to say I passed! 2009 was a capacity building year for know how you ask God for all sorts...but in 2009 it was like God was saying daughter o'mine if I'm going to give you these things, then I need to make room in you to receive them...don't forget that GOD DON'T DO W...