
Showing posts from 2011

What happened to me?

I got to Day 13 and lost the plot! I can't explain why, I'm pretty sure the next topic wasn't the cause. I just went off radar for no reason. Anyways, I'm back and I'll continue where I stopped.

30 Day challenge... DAY 12 - Five Men I find Attract And Why!

Had to pause to think about this deeply!!! Hmmmm. I'm scrolling through the list of men in my life and I realise that they are all attractive in their own way. It will be unfair to list only five. So I will group them and write about what I find attractive in them. here we go... 1. KAAD: His sense of humour... there's no boring moment with this dude. It doesn't matter how low I'm feeling at any point in time, humour is only a chat away! 2. OS: He has this unbelievably fantastic relationship with his family and to be honest I totally love it. They are so close knit that they can't be broken...his nieces and nephews adore him to bits and he is tight with his pop. Weird as it sounds, I find that attractive, let's not forget that he is one of the kindest soul I'm privileged to know! 3. CKMS: His goodness... there's something about a guy who's intellect is sterling...I'm not talking about a book worm...this dude is know th...

30 Day challenge... DAY 11 - My Family

I am very protective of my folks and the people I call fam! Okay let's start with my immediate family... I am the last of four girls and the three older ones are way older than me. The distance in age hasn't been a barrier to our relationship thankfully but as would be expected of a naija family the respect is there!*RME* I am highly protective of my nephews and nieces, they might as well be my own children...I relate with them in a way their parents don't... "I am the keeper of many secrets" lol If you really want to see my reddest eye, try stepping on my nephews' and nieces' toe(s)...I may just draw blood(okay may be not physically but you understand). I remember lamenting about my sister to a friend once and my friend probably thinking she was helping said something negative about my sister...OMG the rate at which I turned on her surprised her and even myself! She got the message :) With people I call Fam...even the ones I've met in blogville :) ( Y...

30 Day challenge... DAY 10 - Put Your Music Player on Shuffle And Write The First Ten Songs That Play

Samba Di Novo (Quiet Storm) - Femi Temowo Psalm 151 (You Are The Only One) - Wale Adenuga The Sea Of Forgetfulness (Greatest Hits) - Helen Baylor Remembrance(Communion song) (We Shall Not Be Shaken) - Matt Redman I Love To Praise Him (Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs) - Donnie McClurkin I Love You Lord (Live Worship) - Salvador Carnival (Still Walking In The Light) - The African Children's Choir Healer ( Generation: Love) - New Breed Dance (D' G-Pikin Project) - Jedi ft. Jafextra Awesome God (Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs) - Donnie McClurkin

30 Day challenge... DAY 9 - How Important I think Education Is

Education is as important as your right eye(which ever sees better). It is like a telescope to see what the future holds... Education puts you on a leveled ground to play with the "big boys"... If you're opportune to get education within the four walls of a school especially where you're not the one footing the bill, by all means get it. Education within the four walls of a school is not the be all and end all; As a matter of fact, you should be a student for life and learn daily 'cos life itself is a big school! It is tomfoolery to think that getting an education automatically translates to big cash ... very wrong notion I tell you... it is what you make of it eventually that counts. The good book says "Wisdom is the principal thing...and in all your getting, get understanding as well" ... ever seen an educated fool before... May one never cross your path... Education is like the foundation you build on... the depth of your foundation determines the typ...

30 Day challenge... DAY 8 - What I Ate Today

Woke up hungry and decided to "murder" a plate of rice & fish with veggies... that kept me through the day though I snacked on plantain chips and a can of coke at midday. Snacked on some sesame snaps in the evening and ended up eating noodles and frankfurters for dinner as a result of laziness tiredness! Photo Credit: Kirsty Cat Blog

30 Day challenge... DAY 7 - Five Pet Peeves

Phew... Somethings are just extra ordinarily annoying... these are in no particular order 1. Mouth Odour/Body Odour... I don't understand how a full grown adult can miss it....except adults who can't smell. How can you not know your mouth is in dire need of mint or your armpit needs deodorant! 2. People who think public transports - bus, trains etc are extensions of their living room. There's nothing as irritating as getting on a train and finding that one very annoying person who decides to blare their music or talk loudly on the phone! *rolling my eyes*... seriously do I need to be subjected to that type of torture! 3. Clueless people who act like they know! This makes me want to pull my hair off strand after strand! It is just plain irritating. Or when I'm trying to explain a point and the other person keeps asking stupid needless questions! 4. Being talked to when I'm in my "quiet mode" sometimes...I just want to be left alone to reflect... then someon...

30 Day challenge... DAY 6 - My View on Mainstream Music

*Sigh* You bet I've run out of excuse for just pausing like that... but my eyes are on the price so let's go! In my opinion, music is a universal language and good music is good music regardless of the genre etc. I'm not sure I have any particular view on this to be honest; All I know is I am blessed with the ability to smell good music from a mile and half...I'm not even joking. Well this post is going to be extra special short since I have no view whatsoever and I don't intend to pretend to have one! Have a great weekend y'all!

Abia State Watchmen WAKE UP and smell the coffee

Okay let's pause a bit on the 30 day challenge thingy...a more pressing issued needs to be addressed right here and right now.Heard about a girl who got raped by five men...FIVE VIRILE MEN! The video was and still is in circulation all over the www... You would have thought that with such a good link, police, the authority...who ever is a "watchman" over abia state will take the cue and progress with further investigation...instead...the watchmen and leaders are busy releasing useless,senseless,extremely retarded and weak statement about it not happening in ABSU bla bla bla seriously even if it happened in Ariara market...shouldn't this supposed watchmen be on it like a leach? Instead they are busy speaking english. the latest statement that got me really ballistic and made me put this post up is what the commissioner of police to abia state said... as seen on linda ikeji's blog..he said ā€œWe donā€™t investigate rape cases based on what people put on twitter. When a ...

30 Day challenge... DAY 5 - Things I would love to say to an Ex!!!

Don't know if this should be in bullet points or not but as usual...I will just go with the here we go :) 1. I'm the best sex you NEVER had! Actually I told an ex that when he kept putting pressure on me... I broke it off without looking back, put a huge distance between us 'cos dude was(don't know if he still is) a "walking temptation". Saw him a couple of years later and that was my exact word to him...amongst others:D 2. Looking at you now...the only thing running through my mind is "What the heck was I thinking dating/drooling over a guy like" *shudders* I must have been either very silly or extremely stupid! further comment 3. I didn't break your heart... you're just ticked you got caught in your own game ( with my tongue stuck out at him by the way:D). Again no further story!lol 4. I'm sorry it didn't work out...I wish you the best for the future... the lovely ex who was/is so nice but we just weren't mean...

30 Day challenge... DAY 4 - Bullet My Whole Day

I have run out of excuses for not updating on time, so I won't bother giving you one either...I will just get with the programme...finito! So here goes my day... Went to the airport to drop off some items Got back home, dressed up and went to was a joy to see & hear Pastor Sam preach... After service went straight to the market to do some last minute shopping. Jumped on an okada on impulse and enjoyed the "ride" home...PS... almost got bumped by a "I saw my whole life flash in front of me moment". Went off to the island with a friend... Galleria for a copy of Ikechukwu Ofili's new book Picked up by another friend and off to terrakulture we went Terrakulture for a was quite nice Dinner @ terrakulture...the grilled fish is to keel for! Got back home and "finalised" my packing! Slept off thereafter

30 Day challenge... DAY 3 - A book I love

One author that keeps me awake till the last chapter is James Patterson... His novels are just MAD ( in a good way). I remember getting one of his books and I started reading it on my home from work around 6pm...It wasn't until 4am the next day that I slept and that was after the very last page was read! I also remember a day I had to stop at the nearest coffee on my way to work just because I wanted to finish a James Patterson novel...truth be told, not all authors leave me wanting to turn the page like that... some years back it was Sidney Sheldon... but I got to know about James Patterson through Funms ... Bottom-line is his books are amazing and as Aloted said in her post... it could make you start acting overly suspicious of people! you need to read her post about thrillers here lol! PS I am putting day4 up as well...wasn't able to post Day 3 at the appropriate time because I was knackered and slept off:) Pardon me!

30 Day challenge... DAY 2 - Something I feel so Strongly About.

Well that would be injustice, I totally can't stand being cheated or seeing others cheated... It makes my blood makes me see RED need I say more:). Well I had written a whole bunch of stuff about this but on reading through, I feel it is not really relevant/necessary to put it on here... so I'll just go with the flow as usual. Injustice is everywhere and my heart weeps every time I see people treated in a way humans don't deserve to be treated. It is always difficult for me to just ignore and let go even though I know I'm not Voltron the defender of the universe. Injustice in my opinion is an act of selfishness... it totally sucks...don't know about how to eradicate this, but I know it is possible to consciously treat others with respect due them regardless of who it is.

30 Day challenge... DAY 1 - Five Ways to Win My Heart

I really and truly wanted to start on September first but due to various factors beyond my control, I just couldn't! Okay here I am now... let's run this show! Five ways to Win My Heart... Haven't really thought about this but I'll just think as I type:) You'll win my heart if you: 1. Level up with me all the time... By that I mean being honest with me. I can't stand dishonest and untrustworthy people....people who say good morning and you have to check outside to confirm if it really is (an extreme case and it really depends on your location:)) ... If you promise to do something or say something and find out that you're not able to keep your promise, by all means say so don't "code" it or try to pull a fast one to cover my face... it won't work or if it works and I eventually find out, there goes the trust I have for you in the bin! Bottom-line is whether hot or cold, serve me the truth all the time! 2. Help out around the house... what I...

Brokenness, Oliver Twist and the 30 Day Challenge!!!

On brokenness, it has taken almost forever for me to get to this point, like I always say, I'm still work in progress and I'm being taught the "patience of Job" daily! I'm learning to Let- It - Go and trust me it is painful...Imagine being offended, you know you're innocent and the other party is guilty and you have the right words that will draw blood from this person(in a painful way at that *insert evil grin*)... and that quiet voice says be still and keep your lips sealed 'cos vengeance is mine! Or a situation where you are being asked questions I will call foolish and you just want to pour out sarcasm from deep within to make this other person realise the stupidity of their questions and then that quiet voice says... be nice! *sigh* insert "rolling eyes" At that point I just mumble "Holy Spirit why you dey fall my hand" lol ( for real)... I must admit though, there have been times I didn't listen....I just say stuff like.....

I Fired My Instructor (YOU'RE FIRED!)

You know it is definitely time to "talk to your legs" when you meet people who leave you worse off than you were whenever you relate with them in whatever form! Sometimes it's got nothing to do with you... that is just how and who they are... understand that and take a hike! This was/is(go figure) with my ex-driving known as Closed Door aka Closed Chapter aka Forgotten! He is the greatest nag on the face of the earth(from where I stand at this point in time!) Yes a man that nags! *insert deep sigh* Extremely conceited...unnecessarily proud... what I don't know is why as he is average in every sense of the word (I'm not even judging...that is just my point of view)...need I go on.... Every time I leave his car, I go home with a headache...funny thing is he was recommended by someone who couldn't stop singing his praise. Its been downhill since the day I started lessons with this particular instructor. It suddenly clicked when he told me the fir...

Imperfect Me!!!

Sitting here on the train, on my way to a job where Iā€™m accepted warts and allā€¦ receiving mails and BB messages from peops that will move heaven and earth if the could to make me comfortable. Thinking of yesterday when I was hanging out with friends who truly care and have a passion for God and life that is catchingā€¦ ā€¦Waking up to say good morning to my ā€œunwanted guestā€ (another story for another post!)ā€¦and actually chatting about life and what it is to live and not just exist made me realise how blessed I am!!! Yetā€¦Sometimes, I focus on whatā€™s not working in my lifeā€¦when I should be thankful for all that is workingā€¦ I pause and breathe in deeplyā€¦I realise how ungrateful Iā€™ve been and from the depth of my heart, I am saying THANK YOU! Enjoy this...

Tayo Aderinokun, the MD of GTB Has Passed on.:(

Don't know why this is getting to me, I'm pretty sure it isn't because I have an account with GTB... He was at the peak of his life, to be snatched away like that is just downright sad. It is a hard reality check for me. He definitely made impact in his short life. My deepest condolence goes to his family who I'm sure are greatly saddened at this news. May your soul rest in peace and may your legacy live on. For more news on his death, check here and here

Baby baby Ka ma roll!

:D couldn't help putting that up, that's what's playing on tv right now and I like the video!!! Off to a friend's party...don't feel like going but its just too late to cancel *now wailing* Oh well... will just go pay homage, feed my eyes and get out... yeah rroight! TTYL

Lazy Bones

Goodness.. did I not promise to update this blog weekly??? *covers face in shame*... don't know how my "usual suspects" do it...but kudos to you guys! I was complaining about how this sucks and that sucks and a friend of mine accused me of being lazy...*I shook my mane* and asked again like I was dumb...LAZY? I was like aww come on...I am busy...always busy doing this and that...dude broke it down for me and peops conclusion is your gal is LAZY lol! Not lazy lazy but lazy! Well long and short of it is I need to sit my behind down and get my head into a bit of paper work that I totally hate... but I'll survive. Came across these blogs( Dotun's blog and Chocolate blog ) and I thought y'all should check them out...good quality for your time. By the way, they are photo blogs but quality photo blogs...reminds me of Jide Alakija and Asiko ... can someone tell Asiko he'll be sorting out my wedding album :P... okay peops I gotta dash...that paper werk is in progr...

No More!!!...Please Free Me!

Earlier in the day, I had a "heated fellowship" with a lady I know,yeah I know what y'all are thinking "NoLimit!!! You've come again"!!! But that's the point! How can I presume I know what's on your mind???That's exactly what she did. She suddenly concluded that I think the worst of her and I told her if that's what she thinks,then so be it!I mean why should I try to convince you of my thoughts towards you? If I've verbally told you,I don't think you're a bad person and my word is not enough to convince you...then what do you want? Blood? What a DIVA! Seriously sometimes,you just have to let people form their own conclusion/opinion of how they feel you perceive them,after all,it is their opinion not yours! So again I say,if you feel I believe the worst about you,that's all means...think what you like,what you believe about your life is more important than what anyone else believes. I feel lighter, load owner has carr...

I Want Me Back On Blogville!!!

Seriously I can't explain it but I just haven't had the "energy" to blog lately! At the beginning of the year, I made up my mind to put up a post at least thrice weekly... I ran out of steam too early... it is just unreal! I thought of reviving the interest in blogging by putting up daily personal journals on here but then I'm not exactly anonymous anymore... Aloted,Tygeress and WriteFreak take note!lol Anyways I am giving it another shot and hopefully my blogging mojo will be up again!:) All is well with me and life is beautiful, let's stay in touch right here and let's see how this goes:) Y'all stay blessed!

Never Say Never!!!

I remember when the whole world found out Arsenal will be playing against Barca in the UEFA cup... It was almost like a lost battle...I remember my friend's status update that day...he said..."YES WE CAN WIN...who am I kidding Barca will slice us up"...well I'm happy to tell you that I'll be reminding him to eat up those words(I'll get him a bottle of drink to wash it down as well) ...'cos Arsenal did it! Call it luck or whatever you choose to call it, but bottom line is...ARSENAL GUNNED BARCA DOWN! And I'm sure many gamblers would have recorded a loss as a result of Arsenal's win ... many did not envisage it! I am highly pumped up and encouraged by this win... think about isn't about what people say you are or the limit humans have placed on you and your capacity to achieve... and sometimes limitations are place on your abilities by people close to you in this scenario Arsenal Fans (they underestimated the players). It is your responsi...

Patience... A much Needed Virtue in 2011 And Beyond

It was just a normal evening and it started off just fine till someone wrote something about me that I considered a slight on my path on the WWW!!! Immediately, I got on the phone to chat with the certain so and so and he kept insisting that he didn't mean it the way I interpreted it to be...he went ahead to tell me in clear terms that I shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill. He did the wiser thing by not replying when I talked to him and I was left fuming...I mean...the cheek of him right? //Chinese sign for patience// I went back to the WWW and read the said "infuriating and annoying statement" again and I thought to's not that wasn't an insult and if I read it sloooowwwwllllyyyy it was actually meant to be a compliment...ish! I blame my reaction to the naija movie I just watched .... "Omo Ghetto"...go figure! I think sometimes, I take on the character of the main actress in a movie for at least some minutes af...

R.S.V.P..It is time for the R part...Register to Vote!

Please ensure you,your friends,colleagues, enemies, frenemies and relatives register to vote in the upcoming election. don't leave it to chance people...tell your domestic helps tell your subordinates encourage those who have given up hope for Nigeria to please register to vote. At the salon, talk about it...let your mechanics know...inform the mallam at the gate...encourage you drivers ... spread the word in the market arena...bottom line is, GO GRASSROOT! It is very important to register to vote. If we don't all do something as basic as registering to vote, how do we intend to move the nation forward? Let's encourage each other... there's news already of how citizens are getting frustrated with the wait at the registration centres. Enough is Enough Nigeria has put up some action points for the 2011 election.I am yet to hear from them with regards to permission to put it up on my blog in the meantime please got to the site to know what's up Let's brace up peop...

Jostified...Live and Let Live

It amazes me how you can look at me and think I'm a heathen that needs to be purged off the face of the earth. I wish I could get into your head and understand why you do the things you do. How did a clean slate get painted so black?For when you were born,you were young and innocent,unfortunately,evil got hold off you before the Truth could...but its not too late to make ammends. Just stop the killings.For pete's sake,we are all one...we all want the same thing at varying degrees...why will you look another in the eyes and slay in cold just does not make sense. There are better ways of getting yourself heard...killing innocent people is not the right way, I can tell you that for free. Please stop now while you can...the blood of the ones you killed will cry out for justice, you really do not want to compound your woes. Again I ask that you stop... STOP THE KILLINGS ... LIVE AND LET LIVE