
Showing posts from 2008


I dragged myself to put this post up...cos I don't intend to end year 2008 on a sour note! there's no way that's gonna happen!!!I just need to put this post up and give the answer to "true lies" before '09!!! Well this is obviously the last post I'm putting up for year 2008... It's been a wonderful year and getting on blogville was one of the highlights of the year!Thank you all for being so wonderful...I made friends with some beautiful people and I got to view issues through the eyes of others...I learnt...I sure did learn great life lessons and I just need to say that there are amazingly intelligent people out there...God is sure great! Here is wishing you all an amazing 2009;may the good Lord spare our lives to see many more years on this planet earth and may we all fulfill purpose(amen)... Now to the answer: 1) I have never been in love! 2) Fashion is my passion! 3) I get bored easily! Well I must say it right here and now that 99.9% of you guys a...


How dare you touch her with your filthy hands and turn her to a punching bag that you vent your frustration on! For crying out loud be a frigging man and get over your stupid self! Those were the words running through my mind when I left my friendā€™s placeā€¦I was like: God do you mean sheā€™s now a statistic too? This girl sacrificed so freaking much for this buffoon, she loved with all her heart, she gave with all her mightā€¦I know ā€˜cos I was there from the get goā€¦but he still proved to be a beastā€¦ As far as Iā€™m concerned, youā€™re a weakling, regardless of what she did to you (non by the way), you had/have no right ā€¦non what so ever to raise your hands against herā€¦ Now what makes me furious is the fact that she is pregnant with their second baby and sheā€™s a sickler but this didnā€™t deter the beast from abusing his own lawfully wedded wife. Got a call from a friend asking when last I heard from this ladyā€¦I was quite vague about it and than was when he dropped the bomb on all the happening in ...

WoW!!!...I know her!!!

Hey have y'all been? great I presume...well I'm good and God is great so I can't complain... well I've been busy with work but that hasn't stopped me from making my usual blog rounds and I must say, I've been exceptionally lucky...or should I call it blessed this December 'cos I've been the first to comment on some of my favourite blogs:-)...hee hee hee!!! and as per the post before this, I will surely respond to it sometime soon! Hmmm so to the main reason I'm putting this post up...guys I found out a blogger that I know(anonymously of 'cos) is married to someone I know(in real life)!!! Yep... Well hers was one of the blogs that inspired/encouraged me to join blogville...I mean you can't read her blog and not know that this gal has got sturves between her ears...seriously! So there I was checking out her blog on one of dem days...and I saw this post with pictures she took in one of the countries she travelled to (by the way I...

I got tagged!!!

Hey blog familee! hope you all had a great weekend...I had a fabulous weekend which I'll blog about later plus I found out 100% that I know one of my fav bloggers...guess who that is!!!...hmmmn more of that gist later!!!I got tagged by yours truly: Aloted babe !!! in the 2 truths and 1 lie meme. Bottom line is you fish out the one lie and 2 truths! we go... 1) I have never been in love! 2) Fashion is my passion! 3) I get bored easily! I am delighted to tag...wait for this: 1. Laspapi 2. Baroque 3. princessa 4. Woomie O 5. Platinum Diva 6. and the one and only Verastically Vera Well as no rule was left for me to adhere to, I'll just do my thing...Please tagged folks...list the 2 truths and a lie,tag people you want to and let them know they've been tagged...put up a post of the answer and announce the winner(s)... So blogville...over to you...will be right back with my gist!!!

I believe in God!!!

This post is my is not is real!!! I don't know how to start I'll just start! I believe in God because I have experienced Him personally and I came to realise He is real...His love for me is unfathomable and this has been demonstrated in several aspects of my life... At some point in my life, I decided to stop playing church and stop being your usual nominal Christian and just go all out to know I sought to discover God for me(He truly doesn't hide Himself from those that diligently seek Him) God is real...I realised this and experienced it through different situations I went through and how were it not for his grace,I wouldn't be! When I lost my mum many years back, He showed up as my Comforter , I don't know how I went through that phase in my life, but all I know is His grace saw me retrospect, I know I never could have survived that ordeal without God on my side. When you've been broke,bust and disgusted ...

Guess what I did yesterday?

Hey's Friday and I'm on a natural high...(Mondays and Fridays are usually my best days!!! hee hee hee)... Well guess what I did last chance...okay I'll tell y' home yesterday from work feeling very high(and I don't do drugs o! but I've just been "joyful"!) Read Vera's blog...that was by the way 90% sane(sorry Vera had to chip that one in!) and although I was miles and miles away across the ocean from America,I was in the festive mood(fueled by her post by the way!!!) so I decided to call madam Vera ...well I quickly dialed the number before I could change my mind and the phone rang on and on...which reminds me...were you contemplating "not" picking up? anyhues...she eventually picked up and we got talking and blogville I 'mma have to tell y'all Vera's voice doesn't sound anything like in she's got an accent(sue me!!!hee hee be expected shey?) an...

You don't have to take it...

When people pronounce negative words into your life, you don't have to take it... You can't change what they say about you but you sure can control what goes into you... the choice is yours ... when you know who you are...(in Christ) and the fact that you're secure in His really doesn't matter... ...As a matter of fact, that is their opinion and they are entitled to it... In the scheme of what God thinks about you,it is a minute and inconsequential issue...Chin Up!!! Saw one of my old journals and decided to put one of them up.... I guess different people have their reasons for journaling...I journal if I'm feeling low,very high,encouraged,inspired, summary...I journal whenever,however,wherever.... ...I was probably spoken to with a negative tone or I overheard some one use negative tones to talk to another... But the truth is...the choice is yours... YOU really DON'T have to take it!!!

Letter From Obama's Half cousin :-)

A friend just sent this to me...and I couldn't help posting it...have a good laff !!!:-) Dia Broda Baraks, Congrats on your assumption to the throne of US. We your Nigerian famili are very happy for you and for ourselves. It is our turn now to chop we US national cake and our enemies cannot do anything about that. I was to come to see you personally at Wite aus but I was not allowed at the airport because of say no fisa. I told them I am Obama kosin bet they refuse me.Your new elesion is a very good news for the Obama clan in Kenya and the famili in Nigeria . When I fest went to the family aus in Kenya to tell dem we are one famili they did not agree but my pastor from my church make 3 days dry fast and give me a special sponge to baf in barbitch after this they accept me. Becos they donā€™t remember the sister of your granfada mother dat went to Nigeria and mari a shief live near Lagos in 1956 which is also my own personal great grandfada. Now the famili has choose me to diskus some...

The Gospel of Wealth

Man does not live by bread alone. I have known millionaires starving for lack of the nutriment which alone can sustain all that is human in man, and I know workmen, and many so-called poor men, who revel in luxuries beyond the power of those millionaires to reach. It is the mind that makes the body rich. There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else. Money can only be the useful drudge of things immeasurably higher than itself. Exalted beyond this, as it sometimes is, it remains Caliban still and still plays the beast. My aspirations take a higher flight. Mine be it to have contributed to the enlightenment and the joys of the mind, to the things of the spirit, to all that tends to bring into the lives of the toilers of Pittsburgh sweetness and light. I hold this the noblest possible use of wealth. Andrew Carnegie , The Gospel of Wealth ,1889 Was going through some very interesting biographies and came across this You know itā€™s ...

Is this Democracy???...Please SPREAD THE WORD!!!...Petition for Justice: Uzoma Okere

Hey Blogsville, It's back to planet earth for head has been in the cloud since is managing to "float" back to shape now :-)...This oyinbo people can be funny o! no one even said much about it(the landslide win!) at my work place...but meeen I corrected that sharply!!!I made a point of going on and on abourrit....I guess that reaction was peculiar to my place of work....'cos I could see oyinbo people jubilating in other areas(places)...I may be wrong sha.... Well that is not the reason am blogging this early "momo"(morning)!...Hmmn blogville pls spread the word...I read and watched something yesterday that brought a gasp out of me... The story is here ...but in case it is taking forever to open the page, I have copied it below(please click here's only a click away): Nigerians react to naval ratingsā€˜ assault on lady By Chinyere Fred-Adegbulugbe, Olalekan Adetayo and Victor Sam Published: Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 Angry reactions...

...Victory is chance for change

YES WE DID!!! The American dream has been made FLESH!!! A moving tribute to martin Luther king's vision...there's a new day in America and a new dawn... I am speechless and lost for words...40years ago...this was a dream...a very far fetched one at that... my happened...Lordy Lord...An African American(Kenyan!!!) became the 44th president of America... Lord strengthen this man for the task ahead 'cos meen this guys has got loads of work to do. I look forward to the unfolding drama...

Yes we can!!!

Lewis Hamilton...YES WE DID... OBAMA... YES WE CAN... Did anybody read the gist about Obama being the Antichrist?...okay why wasn't Bush tagged that in 2004 election? Pullleeeaaassse...give me a break... Aaaannnyy ways...for the american bloggers in blogville...pls pls and pls...ensure you vote for the man of the moment... "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE REPUBLICAN PUSH...IT IS VERY STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE" Professor Paul Beck,Professor of Political Science,Ohio State University... EVERY VOTE COUNTS... O by the way...I can't stand politics(*wink*) Okay blogville...I had to edit this post to include this mind blowing "infomercial" as someone called it... check it out

"Testing" my patience!

Hi blogsville, been thinking seriously of what to blog about lately. Well the answer came some minutes back...Have you ever been the newest member of a team only for your colleagues...scratch that even your subordinates to start treating you like "hey you're new here and we are old really don't know what you're doing so take a back seatā€... Well that is the treatment that was meted out to me o...hmmmn if only they know me well... I am not one to put my head down on the slab just like that..I no be mumu...i.e I know my onions and I'm worth every bit of it!!!(Stole this phrase from my bruva-in-law!!!) Anyhues got to this new team mates etc...Not necessarily a new job o! And I got the "new comer" treatment as I call it... The funniest part of it all is that the people that do this are the ones with little or no authority at all in the organisation!!!lol...I guess everybody loves to map out their territory...but hey I am not here to ...

TGIF plus a teeny weeny bit of gist(random blog)

Hey peops...I know I've been AWOL and I promise you my reasons are solid...been busy to my bones... Well this is as random an update as it can be...decided to do this after mailing one of the bloggers I follow faithfully to always update(pot calling kettle black shey?) Oooh well! I am happy it is almost fact by the time I post this, it should be Friday...I used to wonder what the excitement about the day was when I was a student and Friday,Saturday Sunday and Monday etc were alike as far as I was concerned then; it was for of having no LIFE! Well now...I look forward to my weekends and savour every second of it hungrily. To the students(and I mean full time part timers thank you!)...I am wishing you a very wonderful can take a chill pill this weekend and if anybody complains...tell them I said so ;-) the "non-students"... enjoy your weekend wisely... Well as you can see...this is just me trying to keep in touch...alr...

Internet at browse or not to browse...?

My people how una dey! It's been a wonderful weekend for me and I hope yours was as great as mine.Monday is just around the corner and meeen ko funny!(it is not funny!). Which brings me to what I want to ask...If I want to be faithful to my employer, does that mean blogging at work and checking the internet is out of the question? Is it even okay to send personal mails on one's work email? Okay the truth is the company policy/employee hand book says it is not argument is: if I dedicate most of my time(9-5) to work, and my work is top notch in every aspect, why can't I use the internet,work mail if I choose to?please don't tell me I have my 1hour lunch 'cos I am not a horse jo! you work a horse till it is dead tired and then you give it just enough time to gain it's strength back just so that you can work it again...oh no...not me! I'm not having issues with my employer or anything of that nature...but it is something I brood on often. Even when I...


Hello my the Nigerians amongst y'all (I happen to be one as well!) I'm saying HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! No pun intended but have you noticed that Nigerians are very unique people? I can't explain it but the truth is...we have the X factor...we stand out,we are intelligent people,very warm,very stylish,very classy,very informed,very sharp...yes I said very the way when you suppress sharp people,what you get is 419ers(con men) 'cos there's no avenue/oppourtunity to express their creativity!!! Anyways I am not blogging about the con men today, I am celebrating the amazing country called Nigeria...I know we've come a long way 48years is not a joke. I know we're taking baby steps at the moment but I know that with time and that is very soon(in my very own life time o!) we will be taking giant strides! Half of what we've gone through and are still going through doesn't occur in other countries before war errupts...but we are scaling t...

I got honoured!!!

OHHH MAI DAYSSSS!!! Yep you read right! I received a blog honour from Favoured girl !!! Girl thanks a zillion! I am thrilled beyond words... Right acceptance speech goes thus... I am still grinning from ear to ear like I won a billion pounds lotto... Thanks favoured girl for the award,I really appreciate it and I hope I live up to the honour (by updating my blog regularly...I guess and checking up on my peops on blogville more often! God helping me.) Well I'm speechless at the moment so bear with me and my wide grin! Thanks blogville for making such an award available and thank you for opening up a whole new virtual world to me.... The rules of the award goes thus: 1. When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back 2. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design. 3. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with an...

Dry Patch

I guess we all have it/go through it once in a know the season I'm talking about...where every thing seems to be're neither going forward nor moving're just there... In order to encourage my self in times like this, I tell myself I'm gaining roots...depth...whatever you choose to call it is what I'm gaining. It so bad that I can't even be bothered to update my blog or leave comments on people's blog(horrible!) I believe you're all doing very well and living it up...the way it should to check out blogs and gain more depth(smiling!)...

Dear Lord...

Lord in you I have found refuge and solace even in times of need. I am amazed at how a big God like you can care about an infinitesimal minuscule like me but You do because Your word says so and You honour Your word higherā€¦way higher than Your name! I was created in Your image and You inscribed my name on Your palm. Now that is amazing Lord especially when I know the earth is Your foot stoolā€¦I canā€™t begin to imagine what Your palms are likeā€¦ You loved (still do) so much that You sent Your only begotten son to die for my sinsā€¦now thatā€™s major! You love me so much that You care about every tiny detail that involves meā€¦as a matter of fact, a strand of hair canā€™t leave my body without You knowing about itā€¦Lord Iā€™m amazedā€¦ So I know that nothing ever happens to me by mistake; it is all working together for good. Though I canā€™t physically see You, I see You around meā€¦I see Your goodness and I see the reality of Your love all around meā€¦only a fool will say thereā€™s no Godā€¦or how else can one e...

When love hurts

The ones with the power to hurt you most are the ones you love I'm not talking about the relationship between a man and a woman...I'm talking about the usual philia relationship between friends,siblings etc. When I say you are my friend, I have exposed a part of me that I won't normally show the whole world and that in itself is deep. It takes a lot of trust in you to make me call you my friend...only a friend knows the "best" part to stab you...that'll hurt deeply... sometimes, we fight to deepen our relationships and sometimes...the fight only helps us to realise this relationship was for a season... takes the agape kind of love to make me want to relate with you regardless of what you've done or... said ... Right now...I need a long dose of agape...Jesus take the wheels!!!

How to say no "nicely"

My people see me see something o! Please how do you tell a guy NO and mean NO in a very nice way? Seriously o! When it comes to guys and relationshipsā€¦one thing I notice I lack is ā€œTACTā€ as in I tell it as it isā€¦I donā€™t care whoā€™s ox is gored! So for instance if a guy walks up to me and asks me out etcā€¦once Iā€™ve said no, I expect the guy to step aside and let me beā€¦and if he persistsā€¦kaiā€¦that is YAWA! ā€˜Cos Iā€™ll give him his life history and even lecture him a bit about his future! Well this has been the case till I became closer to my maker and I realised I needed to be relatively ā€œcivilā€ to people If I want to lead by exampleā€¦ So thatā€™s where Iā€™m at right nowā€¦I donā€™t want my faith to be questioned at allā€¦but if this guy canā€™t understand the simple plain ole English Iā€™m speaking to himā€¦ Meeen I may have to resort to proper jungle languageā€¦unless I get a line that works from you guys...

Growing a business...

I got a mail from a friend and it showed the interior of one of the Google European offices. I really donā€™t know how true this is butā€¦I was flabbergasted! It got me thinking about doing business again! I just thought to myself my goodnessā€¦when/how will I ever be able to build a great organisation like this? I know it is good to start small and think big (clichĆ©!) but how does one get to this point? How does an individual start a business that will outlive him/her? Any takers in the house? P.S Iā€™ve been trying to upload the pictures that left me gobsmacked forever but I canā€™t seem to get a hang of itā€¦either that or thereā€™s a restriction on my computer(am at work!).

Understanding the Enigma Called Me

For a very long time, I saw myself through the eyes of others. I saw me the way they saw meā€¦I never disappointed; ā€¦They say she is crazyā€¦then I act crazyā€¦ They say she is blunt and daringā€¦then I act blunt and daringā€¦ What a fool I was! ...ā€ Confident fool ā€ as the Amplified Bible will call it. So I decided to go on a journeyā€¦ A discovery journey to understand who I am and what Iā€™m about. But then, I realised I could only know me through the one who made meā€¦ So I resorted back to the manual of lifeā€¦to give me direction ā€¦ I am still on that journey and everyday has never been the same. Slowly but surelyā€¦I am getting there.

To be...or not to be?

Sometimes I wonder Lord; Am I in the right profession, my heart yearns to be an entrepreneur but my body canā€™t seem to make the move to beā€¦what I desire to be. People talk about the ā€œgreat potential moneyā€ to be made as an accountantā€¦especially within the financial servicesā€¦but when I hear this all that goes through my mind isā€¦is it worth it? Is it worth giving my whole life to an organisation and getting paid a large sum of money that I wonā€™t even have the time to spend? Is it worth it not having a life for a very long time (probably for as long as the span of my career) in the name of having a J-O-B (just over broke!). Is it worth the hassle, toiling morning and night at something you know will never be yours regardless of what you do(even EDs are sometimes forced to resign)? I keep saying I want to be an entrepreneur but the fear of the unknown alone will not let me lift a finger in that direction. And the: what ifsā€¦yes what about the ifsā€¦ What if it was a big mistake? What if I ca...

what title do I give this?

Okay...decided to do this...saw it on a couple of people's blog! 1.What time did you get up this morning? woke up@ 6:30 am,got up @ 6:45 am 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds! a girl's best friend! 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? What happens in vegas 4. What is your favorite TV show? Non...I don't watch TV (was delivered from the addiction) but I like naija films lol 5. What did you have for breakfast? weetabix 6. What is your middle name? kai my enemies can't succeed in decoding who I am...Omobonike. 7. What is your favorite cuisine/meal? I am very carnivorous and I love sea food...Go figure! 8. What foods do you dislike? clueless...o yeah now I remember...can't stand sliced tomato in anything...eaooowwww 9. Your favorite Potato chip? walkers cheese and onion 10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?You mean CDs... Rooftop MCs Lagimo CD,Asa and Psquared...bloody 11. What kind of car do you drive? Yet to buy one...a yaris is on its w...

Out Alone!

Thereā€™s a comedy night coming up tomorrow and I intend to attend with or without my friendsā€¦well here is the dealā€¦my friends often mess up! As in majorly mess up my plans, we all planned to go for Asa concert the last time she was in London and everybody was excited about itā€¦ Now fast-forward to the big day and I call them up to know where to meet up and the story changedā€¦ ā€œawww sowwweee I forgotā€ said one of them, another one was like ā€œ it is weekday,bla bla blaā€ā€¦one told me she was leaving the office pretty lateā€¦I called her till the concert started and at a point, she did not pick up my calls againā€¦I mean WTF!!! The worst part of it all is that I bought the tickets ages ago, five freaking Asa ticketsā€¦I had to sell them off at the venue thanks to a cool pal of mine. So Iā€™ve been bitten once therefore I need to be shy twice. Well when I found out about the comedy thingy, I asked if they were attending and it was the same yes yes yesā€¦lolā€¦oh well this time around yā€™all getting your tick...

Wife battery

Was going through a blog that reminded me of a true life story I heard a while back... Now this was before J-Lo film 'cos I was telling someone and she was like ooo that was a now before I start the story...I am specifically saying "this is real life" okay... Story goes thus... Dee(assumed name for the lady) is a beautiful mixed race lady.Her British mother left her in Nigeria and moved back to UK. She grew up with her Dad in Ibadan and with the help of an area aunt( a lady like a family friend that lives close by), was able to learn to cook,clean and just generally be a lady. Years later,area aunty's nephew came back from yankee(he relocated back to naija) and developed an interest in Dee. when area aunt realised it was getting really serious, she called Dee aside and told her that her nephew was spoilt i.e doesn't know how to clean himself not to talk of cleaning up after himself!...Well you know how it is when a woman is in love,bad habits the guy oo...

Inspiration for my woodin material...

Was just chilling at work today jejely doing my thing when my manager walked in wearing this very "sesky" top.Hmmn omo my mind just conjured up an image of an ankara (african print) gown that will go with the style of the top lol...of cos I did the right thing...I stylishly took a picture of the top when she was directly in front of me(shhhh) don't let her know I did that o before I get sued for woreva... reminds me of the day I was walking past Benetton at oxford street,saw this disgustingly shapely (beef!) mannequin wearing this pretty skirt,I quickly took the picture 'cos I know it'll come in handy once I'm loaded with materials to sew... Meanwhile those mannequins can be pretty annoying,notice the way they make every dress look good...till you wear it(tongue in cheek...not me o...every dress I wear suits me just fine!!!Pinocchio!)... Am off to the tailor's...

My journey to being an ASA fan

Meeen I should be working o! But I just can't help wanting to post on my blogā€¦crazy isnā€™t it? One minute you living in this state of perpetual ignorant bliss to the world of blogville and the next secondā€¦it's in your veins like a virusā€¦Na wa o! Heavens help me. Anyways where was I...ehen Asa...meeen that gal is the bomb, okay from the beginning, my first encounter with her CD wasn't spectacular in anyway...a friend of mine had come visiting from 9ja and was going on and on about this chic that could belt out songs but I wasn't having any of that story so she made me watch Fire on the mountain on You tube...ohh well I still wasn't gelling o! My opinion then was...she couldn't be for real and that she was a flash in the see I love music and I don't listen to just any kind of music...for me to listen to your music or to must have roots(can't explain it but I'll see I like to listen to the story behind the song and if your ...

Why will you do that?

Watched a movie about a guy who promised to marry a gal come rain or shineā€¦only for him to find out about this gal's "slightlyā€ colourful past. Guess what my guy did? He did nothing oā€¦He just travelled out to Yankee (he was about to go before he heard anyways) without confronting the issue and left the gal to roast for years. Babe was waiting for bobo and fending off all suitors just because of Yankee love o! Inspite of the fact that guy hadn't communicated in ages. This movie just got me thinking like crazy! Why do we make promises we can't keep...or why do we not own up once we realise we can't keep the promise. Poor chic was left hanging like a pendulum forever because of Yankee bobo .Only for him to come back with another mgbeke hanging on his arm... Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the gal did well by hiding her past from the guyā€¦now that's another epistle for another day 'cos I have my take on that! He should have set the gal free before h...

Writer's Major Block

Hi Blogville, I can't remember the last time I was here! Gosh it's been ages...for some reason,my brain has refused to co-operate with my fingers to type something worthwhile...hence the reason I just check out my favourite bloggers' sites on blogville and exit sharpishly. But now,I've decided to put down whatever comes to my mind regardless of how stupid or unintelligent it is!) yeah that's what am going to do...otherwise my account will just expire on blogville and I still won't be the wiser for it. Having gone through my fav people's blog,I really wonder how they come up with very intelligent write ups o!(God please help,open my mind and let me see through your eyes.) Ok let me just say that the most recent development that has really made a difference in my life is the fact that God has pruned me and is still pruning me and helping me to NOT be a judgemental human being...imagine o! It was an eye opener for me and I prayed that day to see people through ...

Scam emails

I got a mail from "IMF" telling me I won $7.5m...I was like yeah right...what the heck are this idiots playing at? abi dem no dey look face?Was tempted to reply the mail but I just decided to keep my cool,ignore the stupid mail and let peace rain...but this people won't let me be o. I was sent another one today about this stupid lottery win;was told to send my details imagine?they must be the greatest jokers on the face of the earth. Anyways there mail goes thus: 2010 SOUTH AFRICA LUCKY BET PROMOTION AWARD,CALL AND CLAIM YOUR FUND Phone: + 27- 72-866-3918 Congratulations! The 2010 SOUTH AFRICA LUCKY BET PROMOTION Promotion is proud to inform you that you have won US$ 1,950,000.00.(ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ONLY) Why you have won, 2010 SOUTH AFRICA LUCKY BET PROMOTION LOTTERY collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to INTERNET, we only select 19 people eve...

The croissant way of learning!!!

Woke up quite late today...knew it was going to be one of those days!As if that wasn't enough prohecy,I got to the station to find out that I missed my train(runs every 30mins) was so gutted...decided to get myself some croissant since it will be too late to start taking my usual bowl of cereal at work. Just as I was about to cross the barrier,I found out my monthly ticket wasn't with me...(for heaven's sake 160quid down the drain). On getting back to the pastry shop,the cashier told me he didn't see anything that looked like my "oyster"...right...I knew he was lying...don't ask me how.It was at that point I decided to choose the way I'll word...did it work! I just chilled out called the office and told them what the situation was...mentally talked to myself that it could have been worse,what if it was my bank card that was stolen moreover the card was registered so i get to have a refund. so there you go,after a series of positive thinking,...

My Second Attempt!!!

This is a major beginning for me.I decided to start blogging a year ago,but it never saw the light of the day cos I was soooo busy,I couldn't keep up,but now...I ready to go into this again,and I intend to think out of the box(God help me!!!). Having read stories from wonderful bloggers like silent screams,30+,Bimbylads and blackjamesbond,I am inspired to give it a go again,I hope this will be good therapy for me...