Z- Zap The Negativity!!! End of "A to Z Challenge"... Whoop Whoop!!!

Follow me @Nolimit2life YAY!!! I made it... I ran, I walked, I crawled, I flew and I even tried jumping but I made ittt! And for my last post, I will be zapping the negativity and welcoming all the positives to usher me into the new month of May!!! I'm going to be thankful for at least three things every day in May and I'm going to live in the moment and enjoy doing that completely. I'm not going to worry about my account not being fat and shapeless and I will just appreciate its skinny shape for now:) I'm going to praise my way to breakthrough and I'm going to ensure I laugh genuinely daily. No I'm not necessarily going to put up posts about this but I sure will share from time to time. When or if negative people come my way in the Month of May, I'm going to ensure they leave feeling awesome and positive; and I'm going to ensure I make a difference in someone's life daily by at least making them laugh! I will do my best to train my...