Day 17 Something I'm Proud Of

Follow me @Nolimit2life

Let's see, I'm proud of many things. But the one thing I'm proud of is  God given ability to "bounce back". See we all go through stuff, life happens but you know what, we all have to keep it moving!
I'm amazed at the grace I've been given to bounce back.
I can't begin to recount what I've gone through, what I'm going through etc but you know what? My hope lies heavily on the fact that His grace is sufficient for me.
I thrive on it, rely totally on it, live by it and seriously I'm extremely proud of it!
So here is my bold announcement; please note that I say this with all humility and I can only say it boldly because of Christ's grace!!!

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
Cut me down
But it's you who'll have further to fall 

...Lyrics from Titanium

At this point, I should just share the music with you! And I pray that whenever you feel like giving up, you will remember that divine grace, then you'll brace up and remind yourself that you are titanium, that you will always bounce back regardless of the circumstance(s) names or unnamed!
That you are a warrior, you're not just a survivor, you also live in abundance and I don't just mean money, I mean peace, love, joy and all things fab!
Just chin up and know that you're bold!


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